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Time Surfers #8: Doom Star
Author:   Abbott, Tony / Kim Mulkey
Series: The Time Surfers 
Category: Fiction - Action  Fantasy 

ISBN: 9780553484656  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 88 页
Age / Level: 7-10, Level-4
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Intermediate Chapter Book
Original Price: $ 4.99
押 金: ¥50
逾期借阅费: ¥8/月


Series / 所属系列:
The Time Surfers

Overview / 简介:
The Time Surfers have got to find the Photon Crystal! The crystal has the power to change time: the present, the future--even the past!

But Zoa, a slimy, slippery Insectoid, is hunting for the fabled crystal, too. It's just what she needs to make her nasty plans a reality.

Who will get to the crystal first? And whose future will come true?

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
The Time Surfers series consists of eight action packed and breath taking books that you can never put down. These books vividly paint a picture in your head and are filled to the brim with time travel, peril, fantasy, excitement, and humor. The characters just jump off the pages and you can never tell what is going to happen next, and that is something I just love about Tony Abbott's books. In the first Time Surfers book (Space Bingo), Ned Banks, a miserable kid in a new school, is nicknamed Ned-the-Nerd in front of everyone and he thinks he is doomed. Until something totally unexpected and unbelievable happens. Two kids, Roop and Suzi from the year 2099 are beamed into his closet at home and they want Ned to join them in being Time Surfers! Ned is ready for action, excitement, and danger! But most importantly, new friends. But when a gigantic comet is hurled toward earth, the Time Surfers need to come up with way to stop the comet from destroying their hometown! But time is running out and the Time Surfers are counting on Ned to save the day. Can he save the planet from total destruction and millions of deaths? I first started reading these books when I was about seven and I loved them! Just like The Secrets of Droon series, I was hooked! I could not wait to read the next book! And I didn't want the books to end, and I certainly didn't want the series to end. But fortunately, Tony Abbott doesn't completely end the series so you can just continue them in your head and imagine more adventures. And that's another thing that I just love about Tony Abbott's books. I can't recommend Tony Abbott's books enough, because all of them are truly splendid, brilliant, and magical. Tony Abbott's books are spectacular and got me hooked on reading. But even though I read many other books and series by other authors, his are still my number one favorites!

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