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When A Zeeder Met A Xyder
Author:   Doyle, Malachy   Stewart, Joel
Category: Fiction - Social  Freind  Humorous 

ISBN: 9780552552134  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 48 页
Age / Level: 5-8, Level-2,适合亲子阅读
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 6.99
押 金: ¥70
逾期借阅费: ¥11/月


Overview / 简介:
“Jumping jumbucks!” cried the Xyder.
“Have I found another Xyder?”
“Sorry, no,” said the Zeeder.
“I’m a Zeeder, can’t you see?”

Two lonely creatures are looking for love and when their paths cross it seems to everybody else that it’s a match made in heaven. But each monster is searching for the someone “just like me” and as they quickly see, they look completely different! Luckily they meet again and realize it’s what’s inside that’s important!

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
Generally, the Irish are more renowned for their love of things green and Guinnessy rather than their work ethic. Strike children's writer Malachy Doyle from this sweeping generalisation; first published at 44, it took Doyle just seven years to surpass his age with titles published (that's 52 books for the mathematically disinclined). When A Zeeder Met A Xyder continues Doyle's penchant for rhyming books aimed at the younger end of the picture book market. He has quite a talent for it; the rhythm bounces around nicely without becoming confusing, but also without settling into a bland ABAB. The simple language would also let young readers try reading Zeeder alone. As for story, the lonely Xyderzee and aquatic Zeederzoo are both searching for a friend. Eventually, they team up in their hunt, without realising that by the end of the story, they will of course find that friendship in each other. Nice themes, with a wistful longing for interracial/ cultural harmony that the world seems to lack. The adventurous pair ends up with 37 little Xyderzeeders, so a few 4am feeds in store for them. Joel Steward's illustrations are suitable but not outstanding. Children may admire the simplicity.

About the Author / 作者介绍:
Malachy Doyle grew up in Northern Ireland and then studied a Psychology degree in Lancashire. He lives in a big, old house in Wales with his wife, three children and three cats. When he's not visiting schools or walking in the mountains, Malachy writes full time. Joel Stewart grew up in Sheffield after spending his earliest years in a commune. He obtained a first class Honours degree in illustration from Falmouth College of Arts and was already working on his first picture book, The Adventures of a Nose, before he graduated. Other titles illustrated by Joel Stewart include Jabberwocky (Walker Books), Tales of Hans Christian Andersen (Walker Books) and Me and My Mammouth (Macmillan).

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