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The Stone Child
Author:   Poblocki, Dan
Category: Fiction - Horror  General 

ISBN: 9780545297257  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 288 页
Age / Level: 10 and Up, Level-7
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Advanced Chapter Book!!
Original Price: $ 6.95
押 金: ¥70
逾期借阅费: ¥11/月


Overview / 简介:
When mystery author Nathaniel Olmestead disappeared 13 years ago, did he leave behind a curse? Eddie and his friends are stalked by creatures from Olmstead's books, and must try to solve the mystery. "Briskly paced."—SLJ

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
About the Author Beginning in fifth grade, Dan Poblocki would gather his friends after school, frightening them with tales of ghosts, monsters, and spooky places. When his mother began to receive phone calls from neighborhood parents, warning that her son’s stories were giving their children nightmares, Dan decided to write the stories down instead. Dan now battles his own neighborhood monsters in Brooklyn, New York. Visit him at www.danpoblocki.com.

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
From angry trolls, a missing author, and a curse as old as time, The Stone Child is a magical read filled with terrifying creatures and amazingly scary fun.I really enjoyed reading The Stone Child because, though it was scary enough to make your skin crawl, it has a good vs. evil plot and a creative "book within a book" style. This book is perfect for anyone who, like myself, enjoys horror stories that give you a good adrenaline rush, but doesn't keep you up at night.The Stone Child keeps you on your toes with brave, but curious characters; secret codes and myths about ancient times; and an eerie eye-view of the haunts of Gatesweed. It was a lot of fun to read, and even though the red-eyed dogs really gave me the creeps, they were by far my favorite "monster".With it's magical, detailed narrative and stunning ending, I think readers will never forget The Stone Child. (I know I'll never forget that troll!) Poblocki has such a neat imagination, I am really looking forward to reading more of his books!All in all, from the very first sentence to the last paragraph, The Stone Child will capture your attention with frightful adventure and a world of monsters than will only go away if you can discover the key to the stone child. Just make sure you stay away from the lake....trust me. Age Group: YA, ages 12+ Content: Monsters and horror Recommend? Yes

About the Author / 作者介绍:
Dan was born in Providence, Rhode Island, and lived in Woonsocket and Lincoln before moving to Basking Ridge, New Jersey when he was eleven years old. Dan now lurks in Brooklyn, NY. Growing up in small towns shaped Dan's imagination. He was always curious what was out in the dark of the woods or just over the horizon. Often, if he and his friends didn't have an answer, they would make one up. He still does. Visit the author at danpoblocki.com.

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