畅销书: 不能错过的英语启蒙——中国孩子的英语路线图
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Author:   Gary Paulsen
Category: Fiction - Humorous  Mysteries 

ISBN: 9780545284073  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 96 页
Age / Level: 7-10, Level-4
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Intermediate Chapter Book
Original Price: $ 4.95
押 金: ¥50
逾期借阅费: ¥8/月


Overview / 简介:
Lost your shoe? Can't find your homework? Mudshark is the guy everyone goes to when there's a mystery to solve. That is, until the Psychic Parrot comes to live in the school library-and threatens to take over Mudshark's position as the one who knows all the answers! Right now, the principal knows that the school needs someone who's good at solving problems. An escaped gerbil is running through the school, there's an emergency in the faculty restroom, and all the board erasers are disappearing from the classrooms. Can Mudshark outwit the Psychic Parrot and restore order to the school? Winner of three Newbery Honors, Gary Paulsen is the best-selling author of Hatchet, Brian's Winter, Dogsong, and many other reader favorites. Show More Show Less

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
MUDSHARK is a great addition to any Gary Paulsen collection. It's not the HATCHET adventure type, but rather one of the crazy, mad-cap mishap stories like HOW ANGEL PETERSON GOT HIS NAME and LAWN BOY. Mudshark is actually Lyle Williams. He got his name for his lightning speed and his incredible observation skills. These are skills he honed while keeping an eye on Kara, Sara, and Tara, his triplet sisters. When they became mobile, life became one accident-avoidance after another. Most of Mudshark's skills are put to use helping his friends at school. He has a certain knack for finding anything that goes missing. The main adventure, in what I hope is Paulsen's first in a series of Mudshark adventures, is locating the school's mysteriously missing erasers. Yes, gradually every eraser in the school has disappeared. The cast of characters in MUDSHARK is quite colorful. There's a talking parrot in the library, an easily excitable English teacher, a culturally educated custodian, and a "free-range" gerbil, just to name a few. I especially enjoyed the principal's announcements that opened each chapter. His running commentary on some sort of out-of-control situation in the faculty restroom was a hoot! Aimed at an audience of 8-12 year olds, MUDSHARK is one of those fabulous Paulsen books that can be enjoyed by anyone from a beginning chapter book reader to a senior citizen who remembers what it's like to be a kid. At only 83 pages long, MUDSHARK is a quick way to pass the time and enjoy a laugh or two. Reviewed by: Sally Kruger, aka "Readingjunky"

About the Author / 作者介绍:
Gary Paulsen is one of the most honored writers of contemporary literature for young readers. He has written more than one hundred book for adults and young readers, and is the author of three Newberry Honor titles: Dogsong, Hatchet, and The Winter Room. He divides his time among Alaska, New Mexico, Minnesota, and the Pacific.

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