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The Ring of Rocamadour
Author:   Beil, Michael D.
Category: Fiction - Mysteries 

ISBN: 9780545276566  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 304 页
Age / Level: 10 and Up, Level-7
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Advanced Chapter Book!!
Original Price: $ 7.95
押 金: ¥80
逾期借阅费: ¥12/月


Overview / 简介:
It all began with The Scream. And ended with . . . well, if we told you that, it wouldn't be a mystery! But in between The Scream and The Very Surprising Ending, three friends find themselves on a scavenger hunt set up for a girl they never met, in search of a legendary ring reputed to grant wishes. Are these sleuths in school uniforms modern-day equivalents of Nancy, Harriet, or Scooby? Not really, they're just three nice girls who decide to help out a weird lady, and end up hiding under tables, tackling word puzzles and geometry equations, and searching rather moldy storage rooms for "the stuff that dreams are made of" (that's from an old detective movie). Oh, and there's A Boy, who complicates things. As boys often do. Intrigued? The Red Blazer Girls offers a fun, twisty adventure for those who love mystery, math (c'mon, admit it!), and a modest measure of mayhem. Michael Beil, a New York City high school English teacher, makes his literary debut with this fun and brainy mystery.
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Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
Terrific mystery for girls. The story is a puzzle filled with puzzles--linguistic, mathematical, logical (even the publication information has to be read in a mirror). The Red Blazer girls are middle class kids who attend a Catholic school in the Upper East side of Manhattan--tony surroundings, regular kids. Refreshingly, the story is filled not only with wit, suspense, excitement, and adventure, but with good, caring parents, teachers, priests, and other adult role models. It is cool--and crucial to solving the puzzle--to be smart and work hard in school. Dialogue is crisp and funny, and the girls, though they seem quite advanced for 12-year olds--are a delight.

About the Author / 作者介绍:
I grew up in Andover, Ohio (pop. 1200), where I learned to sail, milk cows, tell the difference between hay and straw, and many other important lessons. I worked as a sailmaker and lawyer before finding my true calling in 1997: Teacher. Since 2001, I have taught English and drama at an all-girls Catholic high school in Manhattan, where I also wrote and produced Aftershocks, a play based on the challenges facing the immigrant families of some of my students. I live in Manhattan with my wife Laura, dogs Isabel and Maggie, and cats Cyril and Emma. When I'm indoors, I love cooking (anything French, especially!), playing the cello (not nearly as well as I'd like), and sinking my teeth into a really great book. Outdoors, I love skiing, sailing, and hiking and camping. Show More Show Less

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