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Pink Princess Rules the School
Author:   Crowne, Alyssa / Charlotte Alder
Series: Perfectly Princess 
Category: Fiction - Humorous  Tales  Girls  School 

ISBN: 9780545211734  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 68 页
Age / Level: 7-10, Level-4
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Intermediate Chapter Book
Original Price: $ 4.99
押 金: ¥50
逾期借阅费: ¥8/月


Series / 所属系列:
Perfectly Princess

Overview / 简介:
Printed on PINK pages!

You are royally NOT invited . . .

Juliet Henry is turning seven. For her birthday, she's planning a pink princess party --- for girls only! They'll all wear pink clothes, make pink crowns, and eat pink food. Who wants boys at a princess party, anyway?

But Billy and the other boys in Juliet's class are mad. They love birthday parties . . . and hate being left out. If this pink princess isn't careful, her loyal subjects could ruin her birthday bash!

Each PERFECTLY PRINCESS book includes fun, princessy activities in the back. Just like the pink princess, Juliet, you can try out the activities and turn any day into a royal treat! Take a sneak peek:

Make It Yourself!

Pink Princess Sandwich

Level of difficulty: Medium

(You'll need some help from a grown-up.)

You Need:

*2 pieces of bread

*whipped cream cheese

*strawberry or raspberry jelly

*plastic knife

*large heart-shaped cookie cutter

1.) Use the cookie cutter to cut each piece of bread into the shape of a heart. (If you don't have a heart-shaped cookie cutter, a grown-up can cut the bread with a knife.)

2.) Spread the cream cheese on one piece of heart-shaped bread. Spread the jelly on the other piece. Stick the two pieces together so the cream cheese and jelly meet. Now you have a perfect pink princess sandwich! With two more slices of bread, you can make one for a friend, too.

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
My 6-year old daughter saw this book advertised on a book fair poster at her school, and she begged me to buy it for her. She LOVED it, she started reading it on a Saturday afternoon and couldn't stop reading: in the car, during dinner, in bed. She finished the whole book on Sunday morning and she kept talking about it for days. Sounds like a silly but positive story; based on what my daughter told me the girl organizes a big party for girls only, but in the end she decides to invite her whole class.

About the Author / 作者介绍:
Alyssa Crowne is the author of more than 100 books for children. Some of her favourite stories when she was young were fairy tales featuring princesses. Today she lives in New York's Hudson Valley with her family and pets.

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