Overview / 简介: |
From plowing to harvest to butchering, readers follow Elgon and his Minnesota family through a compelling story of farming in a bygone time. A "remarkably good tale."—Publishers Weekly |
From Organization / 国外机构评价: |
Grade 6-9-- Of the four rooms downstairs in the northern Minnesota farmhouse, the one that might be called a living room is where Wayne and Eldon, their parents and great-uncle, and old Norwegian Nels spend their winters. There the family sits near the corner wood stove and listens, uninterrupting, as Uncle David tells stories--of the old country, of old times, of a semi-mythical lumberjack. Eldon, the younger son, begins his own story, in spring, when everything is soft. While he describes for readers the farm activities of each season and narrates memorable pranks and milestones of his boyhood, it is the palpable awareness of place and character that is unforgettable. Paulsen, with a simple intensity, brings to consciousness the texture, the smells, the light and shadows of each distinct season. He has penned a mood poem in prose. Uncle David's final story precipitates within the brothers a fuller understanding of personal identity and integrity. For those special readers who find delight in The Winter Room, it will become a part of their own identity and understanding. Teachers who seek to illuminate the use of ordinary English words with extraordinary descriptive power will find the introductory chapter, in particular, to be a godsend. --Katharine Bruner, Brown Middle School, Harrison, TN
Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价: |
Rating: four stars.
The Winter Room is a very descriptive book about a family's life on the farm. Gary Paulsen does an excellent job describing the sights and smells of the farm. He describes everything so well it seems that you have been living with the family your whole life. I loved reading the story to find out about what life on a farm would be like.The characters are well developed and it tells about how family was more important than friends in those days more so than it is today. I would recommend this story for anyone interested in reading a fun family story about life on a farm with a truly magical ending.
About the Author / 作者介绍: |
Gary Paulsen is one of the most honored writers of contemporary literature for young readers. He has written more than one hundred book for adults and young readers, and is the author of three Newberry Honor titles: Dogsong, Hatchet, and The Winter Room. He divides his time among Alaska, New Mexico, Minnesota, and the Pacific.
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