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Give Me Liberty
Author:   Elliott, L. M.
Category: Fiction - History 

ISBN: 9780545081030  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 384 页
Age / Level: 10 and Up, Level-7
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Advanced Chapter Book!!
Original Price: $ 7.95
押 金: ¥80
逾期借阅费: ¥12/月


Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
Rating: four stars. The book, Give Me Liberty, is full of adventure and suspense. The story starts when a young indentured servant named Nathaniel is sent over from England. He is sold to a plantation where he is unhappy. One day, a cruel-hearted man named Owen comes to buy his time. Soon after Owen buys him, Nathaniel is spotted by a kind-hearted school-teacher named Basil. Basil saves him from Owen's harsh treatment and he and Nathaniel become friends. Together, they move to the household of Edan Maguire, a carriage maker. Trouble soon broils in the colonies. The leaders are calling for rebellion against the British, and for the citizens to take action! Edan, a known loyalist, is shamed in public and Nathaniel and Basil's lives take a dramatic turn! Soon, they are partaking in the rebel's actions and join the 2nd Virginia Regiment. They are forced to fight through the perils of the Revolutionary War. Join them as the battle moves on, and experience the hardships! One of the cruelest things Nathaniel must face comes at the end of the book, when he has to square off with his best friend, Moses, a slave, the one soul who cared about him when he was on the plantation. Moses' only way to freedom is to run away and join not the Americans but the British. There are several reasons why I like this book. One reason is that the author makes you feel like you are in the action. Her compelling writing draws you in, and makes you feel like you are sneaking into the Gunpowder Magazine with Nathaniel and his friends, trying to take a musket for yourselves! The accomplice of Nathaniel in this scene, Ben, is a troublemaker who stirs up bravery in Nathaniel. Despite his sometimes careless behavior, Ben is a wonderful friend for Nathaniel. Another reason why I like it was the character development. Through the story, Nathaniel grows from being a timid boy to a self-confident, brave patriot. Again, with the writer's descriptive text, you can see Nathaniel blossom before your eyes. In my opinion, Basil, the old schoolmaster, is my favorite character. He is loveable and bumbling. His excitement about the Revolution teaches you a lot but is funny and enjoyable to read. An additional reason I like this book is that I like how the author twists the ending to make Moses and Nathaniel have to face off at the end. It symbolizes the Revolutionary War in that it shows that some people would win their freedom, while others, like Moses, would have to deal with more years of anguish through slavery. Thinking about that saddened me. This book coincided with my school curriculum really well, because as I was reading this, we were learning about the Revolutionary War in History class. It made the time period really come alive and be much more interesting. The author has lots of details about everyday life, like how people wore wigs made of yak hair, how they protested in their songs and writing, how they printed newspapers and made carriages by hand. I thought it was pretty funny that they had to carry handkerchiefs to hold to their noses because everyone smelled so bad and that they ridiculed a man who bathed every day, who turned out to live longer than any of them. Yes, the book is a little lengthy, but the plot is so persuasive and gripping, and the scenes are so vividly described, it is a must-read!

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