畅销书: 不能错过的英语启蒙——中国孩子的英语路线图
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The Ruby Key
Author:   Lisle, Holly
Category: Fiction - General 

ISBN: 9780545000130  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 384 页
Age / Level: 10 and Up, Level-7
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Advanced Chapter Book!!
Original Price: $ 7.99
押 金: ¥80
逾期借阅费: ¥12/月


Overview / 简介:
Humankind rules the daytime, Nightlings rule the night, and the two are ordered never to meet. When Genna and Dan venture into the forest after dark, they discover a terrible secret.

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
Grade 5–8—Gennadara and her brother, Danrith, live in the primitive village of Hillrush and are surrounded by danger. Like other humans, they can go out only in daylight, and they have an uneasy truce with the nightlings, creatures of the nearby forest who only come out after dark. All are ruled by Letrin, an arrogant and powerful being who lives in a kind of underground fairy mound. Genna and Dan's father is thought to be dead, and the children are terrified of their evil Uncle Banris, who conspires to marry their very ill mother. When the siblings sneak out at night to milk sap from the taandu trees to cure their mother, they are catapulted into a series of wild adventures involving a young nightling, a talking cat, magic moonroads, and plenty of beasties and ghoulies. They must find a young man named Doyati to save their family and the villagers from death at the hands of Letrin. While the book offers enough requisite fantasy elements—a seemingly impossible quest, plenty of magic, poetic language, and brave young protagonists—the plot twists need too much overt explanation to ring true, and the overly complicated fantasy structure sinks under its own weight. The nightling is an intriguing character, but her facile ability to smooth over difficulties strains credulity.—Quinby Frank, Green Acres School, Rockville, MD

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
Rating: five stars. To my great joy I returned home from Texas with 2 boxes of books waiting for me from Amazon.com. I love to preorder! One of the books I received was The Ruby Key by Holly Lisle. I followed the creation of The Ruby Key on Holly's blog - Pocket Full of Words and have waited impatiently for almost a year since her last book Night Echoes was published. This is Lisle's first foray into the world of youth fantasy fiction and she jumps in with both feet and splashed me from head to toe! Page one hooked me and Saturday was completely lost as I read the entire 368 pages in one sitting. Food? Who needs food? Certainly not me or my kids. Mom hung the do not disturb sign around her neck and parked it on the couch with the dogs curled up at her feet and totally submerged herself in the Night Worlds. 14-year old Genna is spunky and likable, her 12-year old brother Dan so reflects my 13-year old son that I laughed out loud and the Nightling Yarri was easy to love as she fought for her people's freedom. While written and marketed as youth fiction (ages 9-12) it easily kept this 35 year old mother captivated from beginning to end. I happily recognized some of the snippets Lisle posted on her blog during the writing process which is kind of neat too. As always her world is superbly created and well fleshed out. Her villains range from hard to hate to tough to love and this adds to the overall realness of her world. Even side characters are given enough personality that they are integral to the story and not simply fillers helping to increase word count. The talking cat has such a huge personality I wonder if he could carry his own story in this series. Speaking of series, it's my understanding this is part of a trilogy but the story was wrapped up in such a way that you felt like you were finished and not left hanging. But there were enough doors left open so that you were left looking forward to the next book in the series (The Silver Door). All in all a fantastic read by an amazing author. My only regret? I finished it in one day and now have to wait until June for Hawkspar. Thank goodness I already have it on preorder.

About the Author / 作者介绍:
Holly Lisle has been writing fiction professionally since 1991, when she sold FIRE IN THE MIST, the novel that won the Compton Crook Award for best first novel. She has to date published more than thirty novels and several comprehensive writing courses. She is currently working on the second book in her Cadence Drake series. Holly had an ideal childhood for a writer...which is to say, it was filled with foreign countries and exotic terrains, alien cultures, new languages, the occasional earthquake, flood, or civil war, and one story about a bear, which follows: "So. Back when I was ten years old, my father and I had finished hunting ducks for our dinner and were walking across the tundra in Alaska toward the spot on the river where we'd tied our boat. We had a couple miles to go by boat to get back to the Moravian Children's Home, where we lived.

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