畅销书: 不能错过的英语启蒙——中国孩子的英语路线图
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Tar Beach(美国凯迪克大奖获奖绘本)  有书评 有内页照片
Author:   Ringgold, Faith
Category: Fiction - Family  Award  AwardWinner 

ISBN: 9780517885444  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 32 页
Age / Level: 3-6,适合亲子阅读
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 6.99
押 金: ¥70
逾期借阅费: ¥11/月


From Organization / 国外机构评价:
"Quilt paintings"--acrylic on canvas paper, with fabric borders from Ringgold's story quilt of the same name--illustrate a Depression era girl's imaginative foray to heights from which she can see and therefore claim her world. Picnicking on the roof of her family's Harlem apartment building--a "tar beach" to which they bring fried chicken and roasted peanuts, watermelon and beer, and, not least, friends and laughter--Cassie pictures herself soaring above New York City: above the George Washington Bridge, which her father helped build; above the headquarters of the union that has denied him membership, because he's black; above the rooms in which they live. Ringgold's strong figures and flattened perspective bring a distinctive magic to this dreamy and yet wonderfully concrete vision, narrated in poetic cadences that capture the language and feel of flight. Ages 4-8.

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
The name of the book I'm reading is Tar Beach,the author is Faith Ringold. The book is published by Dragontly books. There are 24 pages, the ages should be 8-10 years of age. The main character is a girl who dreams she can fly over many things. I don't know why the call it Tar Beach, because it is not really a beach at all. My cousin has a connection to the book, because he dreams he can fly to. My unanswered questions are dose her dad lose his job, and dose she ever dream of flying again after she gets in trouble from her dad? My least favorite thing is when they said her dad was going to lose is job. My most favorite thing is when she said she had ice cream every day for dessert. I like it because the girl has a good imagnain. The book I think should have 4 stars, because she helpped her father build thier house, help around the house, and help her mom make dinner. I think Faith Ringold should make a version two of this book and tell if her dad lost is job, and if they took down the icecream factory. The book is really good because she really exspress the characters feelings about where she lives, and what she lives like. Dad feels horrible when he finds out he is going losing his job. Mom says it is okay, because she is steal working and she gets a lot of money. The daughter is telling dad that mom is right. After a month or so Janet has to stop going to school. I think you should read this book. I think you would like it to. So go to the public library and check out Tar Beach!

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acutelady: 人的思想是自由的 2014/4/17 8:40:00
描写了一个小女孩,家境不是很好,住在海滩旁边一幢房子的顶层, 虽然家里很穷,父亲也只是一个工人,母亲有时候找不到工作会伤心,可是小孩子仍旧是乐观的性格,说想飞,自由地飞,飞到他想去的地方,他想拥有的房子,在那里他是自由的,最后要带上BEBE他的弟弟一起飞翔。
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