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George Brown,Supper Burp!
Author:   Nancy Krulik / Aaron Blecha
Series: George Brown 
Category: Fiction - School 

ISBN: 9780448453675  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 119 页
Age / Level: 3-6,适合亲子阅读
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Chapter Book
Original Price: $ 4.99
押 金: ¥50
逾期借阅费: ¥8/月


Series / 所属系列:
George Brown

Overview / 简介:
The first day at a new school is always the hardest, right? No, not always as George finds out the hard way. On the second day at . . . Sugarman Elementary School, he is suddenly seized by uncontrollable burps, burps so loud they practically break the sound barrier, burps that make him do wild and crazy stuff and land him in trouble with a capital T. One thing is for sure: these are not normal burps, they are magic burps – and they must be stopped! But how?

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
Nancy Krulik lives in New York, New York. Aaron Blecha lives in London, England.

About the Author / 作者介绍:
From Booklist Young Lorenzo has always been curious; even as a baby, he wonders why his rattle falls down, not up. Then, when he is old enough, Lorenzo joins his family’s theater act, “The Fabulous Fortunatos.” But while his father juggles, his mother sings, and his sisters play the banjo and tell jokes, Lorenzo prefers to talk about numbers and his science projects. Then, following a performance, Lorenzo meets Albert Einstein. In a fanciful twist, the two take off in a spaceship and travel to far-off galaxies and wondrous planets. But Lorenzo misses his family, and with Einstein’s encouragement, he makes a dramatic stage appearance, delighting audience and family in a happy, reassuring reunion. With lyrical text, light humor, and compassion, Karlins fancifully celebrates imagination, individuality, and finding a place within one’s family. Incorporating playful perspectives and details, the color-washed, animated illustrations have a retro-cartoon vibe in scenes of Lorenzo with the iconically gray-maned-and-mustached Einstein in a silver spacesuit, who echoes the story’s celebration of science, learning, and family connections. Grades K-2. --Shelle Rosenfeld From School Library Journal Grade 7 Up–Both of these volumes are strong adaptations of the originals, with black-and-white illustrations, appendixes featuring sketches, adapter and illustrator notes, and biographical information about the original authors. These extra elements are outstanding as they enlighten readers about the books creative process and offer background material thats sure to pique interest in the original texts. Kleids adaptation is strong and compelling but is at odds with Ninos line drawings. The thin outlines and use of white space seem to contrast with the strength of the plot. In Dracula, the text and illustrations commingle flawlessly into a wonderful gothic tale with manga-inspired illustrations and a frightful Nosferatu-esque Dracula. While Reeds version is slightly stronger, both books would be worthy additions to any collection.–Jennifer Feigelman, Plattekill Public Library, Modena, NY Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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