畅销书: 不能错过的英语启蒙——中国孩子的英语路线图
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The Dragon of Lonely Island
Author:   Rupp, Rebecca
Category: Fiction - Animals  Fantasy 

ISBN: 9780439853378  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 160 页
Age / Level: 10 and Up, Level-7
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Advanced Chapter Book
Original Price: $ 5.95
押 金: ¥60
逾期借阅费: ¥9/月


Overview / 简介:
Grade 3-6-Because their mother needs a quiet place to finish her novel, the three Davis children find themselves spending the summer in a Victorian house on a small island off the coast of Maine. A mysterious letter from their elderly Great Aunt Mehitabel, absentee owner of Lonely Island, helps the siblings discover Fafnyr Goldenwings, a three-headed dragon that sleeps deep inside a cave on Drake's Hill. It can be prickly and fussy, but takes pains not to frighten the children, assuring them at once that it is a vegetarian. Over the course of the summer, each head awakes in turn and tells a story about children that the dragon had helped. It drove away invading Mongols from a Chinese girl's village, saved an orphaned boy from the clutches of evil pirates, and rescued a brother and sister marooned on a desert island-but only after the siblings learned to think for themselves. The children learn that the sister in the last story was actually a young Aunt Mehitabel, who offered the dragon a sanctuary on Lonely Island. The Chinese story has the tone of European tales of exotic Cathay and the other two are reminiscent of earlier children's books, when adventures were more jolly than harrowing. This smoothly written confection may be a tad bland and predictable, but it goes down as easily as an entertaining, light read. Margaret A. Chang, Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts, North Adams

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
Hannah, Zachary, and little Sarah Emily have to spend the summer on their Aunt's island while their mother is writing a book. Aunt Mehitabel sends them a little old-fashioned, curlicued-handled key to unlock the Tower Room at the top of the house. They find a beautiful wooden box whose lid is really an intricate puzzle. Hidden inside is a special clue about the island. Using the map, they find the tridrake, a three-headed dragon, in the cave at the top of Drake's Hill. Fafnyr Goldenwings has a special story to tell each of them, but they must promise to keep Fafnyr a secret. A wonderful whiff of the magic of long, endless summers when there was time to dream and explore

About the Author / 作者介绍:
Rebecca Rupp has written nonfiction articles for many national magazines on topics ranging from the history of blue jeans to the science of ice cream. She is also the author of THE DRAGON OF LONELY ISLAND, THE WATERSTONE, and several nonfiction books, both for children and adults. Of THE RETURN OF THE DRAGON, she says, 'I hope all of you enjoy the return of Fafnyr's cave - and hearing from Aunt Mehitabel again - as much as I have. Much as I love the three-headed dragon, I also love Aunt Mehitabel. I plan to be just like her when I turn eighty-five.' Rebecca Rupp lives in Vermont with her husband, three sons, three cats, and a tarantula named Immanuel Kant.

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