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The United States of America: A State-by-State Guide
Author:   Millie Miller and Cyndi Nelson
Category: Nonfiction - Social 

ISBN: 9780439827652  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 64 页
Age / Level: 8-11, Level-5
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 7.99
押 金: ¥80
逾期借阅费: ¥12/月


Overview / 简介:
This portable state-by-state guide, superbly illustrated in watercolor, identifies each state's official state bird, flower, and insect along with other fun facts and points of interest.

This book exhibits all of the diversity of the American states even as it ties the country into one awesome entity. The authors' inclusion of endangered species, biographical sketches on the famous Americans from each state, inventions, resources, records, and so much more make this a unique and multi-dimensional work. But it is the art and the treatment of the information that makes this book so special. With a light-handed, fresh approach, and tremendous respect for their subject, the author-artists succeed in painting a truly beautiful portrait of America.

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
Grade 3-5-This browser's scrapbook presents impressionistic portraits of the states arranged in alphabetical order with Washington, DC, Puerto Rico, and a spread of state flags appended. A large, lightly labeled map provides the visual center for each page, around which are arrayed handsomely painted vignettes illustrating fact snippets that range from state birds, trees, and population (as of 1998) to prominent landforms, citizens, and endangered species. The states are all colored green, which gives the book visual unity at the expense of strict accuracy, and many of the facts have been pared down to dry generalities: "Pirates terrorized the Carolina coast in 1717-1718," "Homemade quilts, clothes, and furniture are traditional [in West Virginia]," etc. The method behind the authors' selection of information is sometimes unclear (only 17 Presidents are mentioned); the index, which includes a listing for "Paul Bunyon" [sic] and page references for 53 state birds, is of doubtful quality; and there are no lists of sources or resources for readers who want to find out more. Still, children compiling their own scrapbooks might start here. John Peters, New York Public Library

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
My wife is currently a third grade teacher and I used to be one. Recently, she was tasked with a new set of social studies learning targets that include "regions of the United States" (something more frequently taught to slightly older students). We were having difficulty finding age/ability-appropriate resources for her class until she came across a copy of Miller and Nelson's "State by State". She asked me what I thought of it and "paydirt" was the word that came to mind. So we ordered additional copies from Amazon and they fit the bill nicely. Bottom line: for students in the late second to early fourth grades, "State by State" is an interesting, meaningful, and fun-to-use learning resource. It is also an amazingly good value, which helps when a teacher needs to purchase several copies on her/his own coin. Five stars!

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