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The Bunyans (Scholastic Bookshelf)
Author:   Wood, Audrey / David Shannon
Category: Fiction - Family  Tales 

ISBN: 9780439812146  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 32 页
Age / Level: 7-10, Level-4
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 6.99
押 金: ¥70
逾期借阅费: ¥11/月


Overview / 简介:
You may know that Paul Bunyan was taller than a redwood tree and stronger than fifty grizzly bears--but you may NOT know that he also had a wife and two kids who helped him create some of the most striking natural wonders of North America! With warmth, humor, and dazzling landscapes, award-winning writer Audrey Wood and acclaimed illustrator David Shannon team up to present the tall-tale beginnings of Niagara Falls, the Rocky Mountains, Old Faithful, and more. The Bunyans are a family you will never forget!

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
Kindergarten-Grade 4-A rollicking original extension of Paul Bunyan's tale. Paul meets a gigantic woman, and he and Carrie are soon married. Two oversize children arrive and play a important role in the formation of many of America's natural wonders: Niagara Falls, Bryce Canyon, and Big Sur, among others. The Rocky Mountains are attributed to Ma Bunyan's efforts to keep the children from wandering off too far, and Old Faithful to her desire for a regular supply of hot water when they camp in Wyoming. Grown up, Little Jean gets restless and leaps up into space. Wood captures the tongue-in-cheek tone and the exaggeration bordering on the ridiculous that characterize American tall tales yet all the while making the Bunyans seem like an all-American family. The story begins in the Victorian era and ends in modern times, which reinforces its absurdity since these natural wonders are not products of recent history. Shannon's realistic, full-color paintings provide a counterpoint to the text, serving to make it seem almost believable. The artist's figures are large and solid and he judiciously puts normal sized people and animals in them to remind readers just how big the Bunyans are. Extensions of folktales are popular now, and this book is a fine contribution to the genre. Jane Gardner Connor, South Carolina State Library, Columbia

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
What a lot of people don`t know is that Paul Bunyan had a wife and two kids .His wife`s name is Carrie and their kids are Little Jean, the boy, and Tenny, the girl. The Bunyans have lots of adventures . They make a lot of landmarks along the way like the Big Sur and the Rocky Mountains. I love the book. I like the book because they keep on making landmarks. I also like how the pictures show proportion.

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