畅销书: 不能错过的英语启蒙——中国孩子的英语路线图
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Super Fly Guy  有书评 有内页照片 有 mp3
Author:   Arnold, Tedd / Tedd Arnold
Category: Fiction - Animals  Humorous 

ISBN: 9780439639040  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 30 页
Age / Level: 6-9, Level-3
Type & Binding: 硬皮精装本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 5.99
押 金: ¥60
逾期借阅费: ¥9/月


Overview / 简介:
Fly Guy loves the school lunchroom. He loves the dirty dishes, the smelly mop, and the garbage cans. But when the lunch ladies discover there's a fly in the cafeteria, chaos ensues! Though Fly Guy makes a mess of things, he also shows his powers as a Super Fly Guy!

Using hyperbole, puns, slapstick, and silly drawings, bestselling author/illustrator Tedd Arnold creates an easy reader that is full of fun. With an eye-catching holographic foil cover, this is the second in a series of four books

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
Kindergarten-Grade 2–In this easy chapter book, Buzzs pet fly attends school with him. When the lunch lady allows the insect to live in the lunchroom, she is fired. Fly Guy is subsequently banned from the room by her replacement, who is a terrible cook. Finally, Buzz comes up with a plan, Roz is reinstated, and Fly Guy gets to stay in the lunchroom. The writing is fast paced, the plot is interesting, and many of the humorous and mildly gross details will appeal to children. The cartoon illustrations are funny and action-packed and the layout is appropriate for beginning readers, with one or two sentences per page. The text has suitable repetitive phrases to aid the developing fluency of students beginning to read independently. It could also serve slightly older reluctant and struggling readers.–Bobbee Pennington, Bryan Public Library

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
My 5 year old & my 2 and half year just love this book. Good illustrations and a cute story including Roz the lunch lady. I highly recommend this book

About the Author / 作者介绍:
Ted Arnold is the author/illustrator of many bestselling children's books, including No Jumping on the Bed, Green Wilma, Parts, and for Scholastic, Five Ugly Monsters and Catalina Magdalena. Mr. Arnold lives in Elmira, New York

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乐乐乐乐: 寻此系列书 2011/1/15 20:01:00
看介绍这套也是系列的,还有《HI! FLY GUY》和《SHOO.FLY GUY》图书管里目前没有,希望补齐,多谢!
2 顶.  
乐乐乐乐: 搞笑的宠物 2011/1/15 19:57:00
1 顶.  
武汉Gaby: 可爱、幽默、聪明的Fly Guy 2011/9/17 16:53:00
谁能想到苍蝇能做宠物呢,苍蝇给人的一贯印象是害虫呀。可是就是鬼马天才绘本作家Tedd Arnold将这只可爱、幽默、聪明的小苍蝇带给大家,带给大家欢乐。这本Super Fly Guy比Hi Fly Guy更有趣,激发了Phoenix自主阅读的热情。
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zhong: 非常喜欢Fly Guy 2011/12/18 8:05:00
一定要说说这本说,孩子5岁,在刚开始接触英文绘本的阶段,借了很多书了已经,但是这本目前还是她的最爱,故事有趣,简单易懂,她总是会学Fly Guy叫它的主人的名字BUZZ,那个声音听起来很滑稽。建议图书馆补齐其它两本,我自己买了,也不错!
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lucy4740: 我们也非常喜欢FLY Guy 2011/12/27 14:05:00
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安迪分馆lily老师: 一只会Phonics的神奇苍蝇打败坏厨师的故事 2012/12/26 13:03:00
一个叫Buzz的男孩有一只宠物苍蝇,叫做Fly Guy。Fly Guy会说男孩的名字。男孩带苍蝇去上学,苍蝇学会了Phonics,会应自己的方法读does,fuzz和was。艺术课,苍蝇也画出了一副特别的画。苍蝇最喜欢的饭厅,他喜欢脏脏的盘子,臭臭的拖把和乱七八糟的垃圾桶。一位名叫Roz的女厨师发现了苍蝇,正想把苍蝇处理掉的时候,苍蝇突然照着厨师的名牌说“ROZZZ!”女厨师想,这只苍蝇太聪明了,竟然会读我的名字!于是给苍蝇准备了一大碗好吃的。可是Roz的老板因为饭厅里的苍蝇解雇了Roz,Roz伤心的离开了,苍蝇和Buzz还有其他的孩子都很伤心,因为Roz是一位好厨师。第二天,来了一位新厨师“Miss Muzzle”,她把东西都烤焦了,不但孩子们不爱吃,连苍蝇Fly Guy都不爱吃。于是,包括老板在内的所有人开始怀念原来的厨师Roz。当晚,男孩Buzz有了一个计划... 第二天,苍蝇Fly Guy又来到了学校饭厅,他边飞边喊新厨师的名字,厨师Miss Muzzle一抬头,苍蝇用身体弹了厨师的鼻子。于是一场厨师和苍蝇的大战开始了,厨师疯狂的拿着苍蝇拍到处追打苍蝇Fly Guy,弄得厨房里乱七八糟。老板见此情景,生气地解雇了厨师Miss Muzzle。于是,原来的厨师Roz又回来了。为了感谢苍蝇Fly Guy,她做了一碗特别的垃圾汤,苍蝇Fly Guy很开心,当然了,吃着Roz的可口饭菜,大家都很开心。这是一个幽默的故事,我们这里很多5-8岁的孩子都很喜欢这个故事。尤其喜欢模仿苍蝇的声音说“Buzz”...
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daniel妈咪2015: 苍蝇小子 2016/4/15 18:53:00
很好玩的书呢 孩子和我都很喜欢 有系列的基本 不过 没有借到 只借到这一本,推荐
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