From Organization / 国外机构评价: |
What's the difference between heat and temperature? Who was our twenty-sixth president? How do you figure out the circumference of a circle? Who made the first national flag? What is a bar graph? Where do you place the colon in a business letter? Why do earthquakes happen?
101 Things you need to know: The answer book for school survival is a quick and easy to explore reference packed with answers to your questions! |
Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价: |
This quick, easy reference guide is a very helpful tool for kids and parents. It has important subject highlights ranging from english to science. It is a good reminder for us parents who forgot this infromation long ago and now need to help our kids in school. It is a good short, but sweet study guide for kids. You can have lots of fun playing quiz games with your kids plus feel like you're re-learning the things you've forgot. Cheap price too. |
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