畅销书: 不能错过的英语启蒙——中国孩子的英语路线图
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My Thirteenth Winter
Author:   Abeel, Samantha
Category: Nonfiction - History 

ISBN: 9780439339056  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 208 页
Age / Level: 10 and Up, Level-7
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Advanced Chapter Book!!
Original Price: $ 6.99
押 金: ¥70
逾期借阅费: ¥11/月


Overview / 简介:
In this beautiful and chilling memoir, twenty-five-year-old Samantha Abeel describes her struggles with a math-related learning disability, and how it forced her to find inner strength and courage.

Samantha Abeel couldn't tell time, remember her locker combination, or count out change at a checkout counter -- and she was in seventh grade. For a straight-A student like Samantha, problems like these made no sense. She dreaded school, and began having anxiety attacks. In her thirteenth winter, she found the courage to confront her problems -- and was diagnosed with a learning disability. Slowly, Samantha's life began to change again. She discovered that she was stronger than she'd ever thought possible -- and that sometimes, when things look bleakest, hope is closer than you think.
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From Organization / 国外机构评价:
Grade 9 Up--Abeel writes of her torturous year in seventh grade when she was diagnosed with a learning disability. Having been a gifted, creative preschooler, she was not prepared for the realization, in second grade, that she could not do many of the tasks that her classmates could accomplish with ease. By seventh grade, her feelings of insecurity had reached an all-time high, and she began to experience anxiety attacks over everything from having to remember her locker combination to managing her schoolwork to staying overnight at a friend's. When she was finally diagnosed with dyscalculia, she and her family felt relief. At least now there was a name for her difficulties and strategies she could employ. This account is an interesting mix of factual information and memories. Abeel relates her experiences with detached clarity, but each situation is followed by the thoughts and feelings that finally forced her to face her differences. Occasionally, her well-phrased prose slips into cliché, and when she lists the math skills that she could not perform she becomes rather pedantic. While this book is not likely to be of great interest to casual readers, those with similar learning issues will identify strongly with the author's trials and triumphs. Pair this title with Abeel's book of poetry, Reach for the Moon (Scholastic, 2001), to inspire young people with learning disabilities and to educate others.--Nancy Menaldi-Scanlan, LaSalle Academy, Providence, RI

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
To be honest, I read this book, not only for its contents, but for its AR points. (It's one of the few newly printed books that's actually at seventh grade level). But it was something that was so much more than a helpful book school-wise; it's a very deep and lovely book. Samantha Abeel, who is twenty-five at the start of this memoir, goes as far back as she can into her mind, into a place where she once had no problems in school -kindergarten. She is instantly reconized for her large vocubulary (she actually said the word 'pnuemonia' as one of the words for the letter 'N', which, although is incorrect, is still remarkable), and her creative ideas. But soon, though, as the level of difficulty for subjects, particulary math, increases, she finds that she can not grasp simple things, like telling time and fractions. She also is crippled in the area of the parts of English and spelling, but not as bad as math. She goes through her life in elementary school, masking her slowness for math and English for her other, better grades in other subjects. From the moment in kindergarten she says 'pnuemonia', the other kids label her as smart, and they do not notice her problems. Her constant awareness that people might discover her act make her seculded and nervous, starting her anxiety attacks. All of her world falls apart and then reassembles during her thirteenth winter. We then see how she learns that she has a learning disabilty called dyscalculia, a learning disablity that only effects her math skills and anything related to it. We see how someone, who has gone through somuch, can escape through writing and make such an elegant and wonderful book. My brother has an unnamed learning disablity, and, like Sam said, everyone knows someone that has a learning disablity. It really helped me see how some people see the world. I'd recommed this book in a heartbeat.

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