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The Power of Un
Author:   Etchemendy, Nancy
Category: Fiction - Boys  Growth 

ISBN: 9780439313315  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 160 页
Age / Level: 10 and Up, Level-7
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Advanced Chapter Book
Original Price: $ 4.99
押 金: ¥50
逾期借阅费: ¥8/月


Overview / 简介:
When Gib Finney, a very regular guy, finds a mysterious device called the Unner, everything changes. He uncovers the power to erase any and all mistakes, and soon learns that some things are more worthy of "unning" than others, and some things can't be changed at all. Ultimately, Gib learns the value of life and family in this touching and straight-forward fantasy.
This fascinating, approachable, and critically-acclaimed sci-fi/fantasy story is blessed with an intelligent and likeable character. The Power of Un was the winnter of the 2000 Bram Stoker Award.

Until a week ago, Gib Finney was just a regular guy, shooting spitballs and messing up his science experiments. But when he finds a mysterious device called the Unner, everything changes. Gib discovers that the Unner has the power to erase any and all mistakes. At first, Gib thinks this is better than winning the lottery: he'll never flunk another test or strike out again!
But after a terrible accident, Gib must decide which events of the previous day he must undo to stop the disaster from happening the second and third time around. He soon learns that some things are more worthy of "unning" than others, and some things can't be changed at all. Ultimately, Gib learns the value of life and family in this touching and straight-forward fantasy

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
Grade 4-8-Who wouldn't want the ability to undo a mistake, an accident, or even a tragedy, after it happens? Once he has the Unner, a makeshift creation of old parts and electronic gizmos, middle-schooler Gib Finney has that power, but first he has to figure out how to use it. His practice time is suddenly cut short when his little sister is hit by a truck and ends up in a life-threatening coma. If the Unner really works, it could save Roxy's life, but there could be far-reaching consequences to rearranging links on the chain of time, and Gib is just beginning to realize how interconnected they are. The setting could be any small town in America, some decades ago. Most of the characters neatly fit stereotypes common to such settings-the happy nuclear family, loyal best friend, mysterious carnival fortune-teller, and more. While Gib is the only fully developed character, the unique and interesting plot featuring a practical look at the possibilities and results of planned time travel make up for the otherwise shallow characterizations. As the story gathers speed, suspense builds to a surprising and satisfying conclusion with room for more than one sequel. The book's themes and plot twists take it beyond the conventional, resulting in a delightfully thought-provoking science-fiction story.

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
I've been reading a lot of books to my kids lately -- they are right at the age where they enjoy books that I can enjoy reading to them. We did all the old classics (Narnia, Hobbit, Earthsea, Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. F., etc.) and a few obvious ones (the Harry Potter series) and then started reading some newer ones that were recommended to us. So much that is out there has interesting or clever premises but is either terribly written (e.g. the Animorphs series) or is fairly light and weak on content (e.g. even though my kids love them, I'd have to put the Lemony Snicket books here - yes they are clever and well-written, but in the end they are just stories about an implausible series of, well, unfortunate events that happen to implausibly bright and resourceful children). The Power of Un, though, is both very well written and raises lots of interesting and provocative questions. At the core of the book is the idea that what you do matters, that actions have consequences -- and anything that can convey that message to children without boring them or making them feel like they are hearing a lecture is a good thing. My kids didn't want me to put it down for the few nights it took to read it, and I didn't want to either. A good book, whose author deserves high praise -- though not quite as high as I gave it (I'd give it four stars but I accidentally hit five and Amazon won't let you change that for some reason).

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