畅销书: 不能错过的英语启蒙——中国孩子的英语路线图
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Author:   Nancy, Ted L.
Category: Nonfiction - History 

ISBN: 9780439173179  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 144 页
Age / Level: 10 and Up, Level-7
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Chapter Book
Original Price: $ 4.95
押 金: ¥50
逾期借阅费: ¥8/月


Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
When Jerry Seinfeld introduces Ted L. Nancy's Letters from a Nut you know it's not going to be just another humor book. The premise is simple: Nancy (is it Jerry Seinfeld? Or Jerry's former collaborator Larry David? Or does Nancy exist -- or is he really some very SERIOUS author having fun?) writes seemingly serious, off-the-wall letters to various companies and indivduals. Some of the funniest are to hotels. In a 1996 letter he writes to the Las Vegas Hilton, saying he has saved up a long time for an Elvis concert and wants to make reservations for the croaked King's Sept 1996 show. Sometimes (as in the Hilton's letter)he gets back a form letter ignoring his letter's contents. Or sometimes, such as when he writes a hotel asking if they found his lost tooth, they answer seriously...as does the Disneyland Hotel, when he writes and asks if he could check in with his own ice machine (the hotel says no). This is laugh-out-loud stuff that you won't be able to put down: a letter to Nordstrom asking to buy a mannequin that looks like his deceased best friend; a letter to the University of Alabama praising the CITY of Alabama, etc. In each case, the complete letter is shown plus the often puzzled response. One note: this is modern "ironic" humor which means the humor isn't in just reading a single letter. It lies in reading the letter and THEN the response (or seeing a nonresponse). Nancy writes even nuttier follow up letters. FOOTNOTE: There are several additional books in the "Letters" series and they are all wonderfully, incredibly nutty. I own all three.

About the Author / 作者介绍:
Ted L. Nancy is a pseudonym used by Barry Marder. Finally the long national nightmare is over. Jerry Seinfeld unmasked the true author of the "Letters From A Nut" books on Larry King Live and The Today Show with Matt Lauer. (To View: Tedlnancy.com) Mr. Nancy writes earnest letters to Icelandic malls, German theme parks, Norms Barbershop, shoe museums, waffle cone businesses, and an Indian Casino asking to sell ham sandwiches in their restroom. And publishes them along with their equally sincere but hilarious responses. He does this so that others may enjoy it. His letters include: Telling Ralphs Supermarket he bought a haunted sponge from them. Asking an Amsterdam hotel if he can check in with 300 hamsters for his production of Hamsterdam. And warning the telephone company installer about his Electronic Belching Machine on his patio. His books on Amazon.com are under Ted. L. Nancy or Jerry Seinfeld. No one else. He has no affiliation with any other books or DVD's except what is on this Author's Page. He is proud that his books are suitable for all ages. Many teachers use them in their classrooms as learning tools for students. Mr. Nancy has moved to Glendale, California to be near the Turkish paranormal community. (of which he has attended a meeting) He does not like olives! Visit his website at tedlnancy.com Barry Marder is a comedian, former writer on "Seinfeld" and the co-writer of Dreamworks' animated hit "Bee Movie." He was a writer for Bill Maher, Jay Leno, & David Letterman. He has performed at most major theaters in the United States as opening act for Jerry Seinfeld. He has also written with George Carlin.

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