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Heartland#2 After the Storm
Author:   Brooke, Lauren
Series: Heartland 
Category: Fiction - Animals  Social 

ISBN: 9780439130226  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 176 页
Age / Level: 10 and Up, Level-7
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Advanced Chapter Book!!
Original Price: $ 4.99
押 金: ¥50
逾期借阅费: ¥8/月


Series / 所属系列:

Overview / 简介:
Although Amy is again helping out with the horses at Heartland, she feels guilty about her mother’s death. To make matters worse, she is trying to care for Spartan, the horse she and her mother rescued before the accident. For Amy, Spartan is an everyday reminder of the wreck. And Amy is a reminder for Spartan as well. Finally, Amy realizes that Spartan will never forgive her until she forgives herself.

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
Amy Fleming is a talented young rider and horse trainer whose mother recently died while trying to rescue an abandoned stallion. Amy's mom was a famous horse trainer who founded Heartland, a horse-training center for abused, neglected, and problem horses. In the weeks following her mother's death, Amy, her older sister Lou, and their grandpa try to cope with the sudden loss of the woman who was the heart of Heartland, but they're overwhelmed by the pressures of running the horse farm while dealing with their grief. Fifteen-year-old Amy focuses on training Spartan, the horse she and her mom were trying to rescue, and achieves spectacular results as he turns out to be a talented jumper. Lou tries to take over the business side of the farm, but Amy fights every change she tries to make, even though Heartland needs Lou's guidance and business sense to survive. Over the course of the summer, Amy and Lou learn to respect each other's talents and contributions, and they strike a new balance that will enable Heartland to continue its work of "healing horses, healing hearts." Horse lovers who liked the movie The Horse Whisperer will appreciate the descriptions of training methods and alternative therapies used at Heartland. Young readers who enjoy the Saddle Club, Pine Hollow, and Thoroughbred series of horse stories will also like the Heartland series, which began with Coming Home. (Ages 8 to 12)

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
Heartland is a place where horses come to be cured. This book is about a girl who is about to face the biggest changes in her life. Amy Fleming and her mother go out one night to save a horse from a raging storm. They found that he was abandoned by the thieves who stole him. Riding back to Heartland, the raging storm takes Amy's mothers life. The horse that was rescued from the barn is called Spartan. Spartan has changed since the storm. When Amy meets him, he is not like before. He is frightened of everyone. Especially Amy. No one believes he can be cured but Amy. But how can she cure him when he is afraid of her? This is a story of courage, bravery, and belief.

About the Author / 作者介绍:
LAUREN BROOKE lives outside London in an old English farmhouse. She divides her time between writing and mucking out the stalls of her two horses. In addition to writing the twenty-four Heartland books, Lauren is the author of the Chestnut Hill series.

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