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 Book Details...

Corduroy Takes a Bow
Author:   Viola Davis / Jody Wheeler
Category: Fiction - AwardWinner  Bedtime 

ISBN: 9780425291474  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 32 页
Age / Level: 3-6,适合亲子阅读
Type & Binding: 硬皮精装本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 17.99
押 金: ¥108
逾期借阅费: ¥18/月


Overview / 简介:
When Lisa takes Corduroy to the theater for the very first time, it’s so magnificent and exciting that he just can’t help heading out on his own to explore. From the orchestra pit to the prop table to the dressing rooms, Corduroy sees it all. Could there be a place for Corduroy on stage, too?

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
"Perhaps the book's most valuable visual aspect is featuring people of color in all elements of the theater, from Lisa and her mother, of course, to the orchestra pit, stage manager, and actors . . . A sweet story that will have children clamoring to see a show, perhaps with their own bears."

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
Wow. This is incredibly well done. I was so excited to see that Corduroy is back! I was slightly hesitant given that there was a new author.... Well, probably no surprise to many that Viola Davis was stunningly brilliant here. I really hope she keeps writing children’s books!!! The story builds on and fully honors Don Freeman’s legacy. There’s a humility in that which I so appreciate. And the setting is Viola Davis’s expertise- the theater. Two things I love in particular. 1- This story is also timeless. Lisa, her mother, and Corduroy go to the theater. And the play is Mother Goose. Timeless. This classic will endure forever. 2- The visuals put forward a bold and optimistic view of the future of theater. People of color are participating and leading at every level- audience, actors, orchestra, operations. In an industry that has been so much a part of white dominant culture, this is refreshing. As a modern classic, it can help reset expectations for the next generation. Thank you Viola Davis! More books please!!!

About the Author / 作者介绍:
VIOLA DAVIS is a critically revered, award-winning actress of film, television, and theater. She is the first black actress to win Tony (Fences and King Hedley II), Oscar (Fences) and Emmy (How to Get Away with Murder) awards for acting. In 2012, Davis and her husband founded their production company, JuVee Productions, with its focus being on giving a voice to the voiceless through strong, impactful and culturally relevant narratives. DON FREEMAN (1908 – 1978) was a celebrated children’s book author and illustrator. His many popular titles include Corduroy and A Pocket for Corduroy. JODY WHEELER is the illustrator of over forty books for children. She lives in New York City.

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