畅销书: 不能错过的英语启蒙——中国孩子的英语路线图
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Mouse Noses On Toast
Author:   King, Daren
Category: Fiction - Animals  Humorous 

ISBN: 9780399250378  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 110 页
Age / Level: 7-10, Level-4
Type & Binding: 硬皮精装本,Intermediate Chapter Book
Original Price: $ 12.95
押 金: ¥104
逾期借阅费: ¥13/月


Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
Short and sweet, Mouse Noses on Toast is bound to have those of you with slightly twisted senses of humor laughing your noses off! It only took me around a half hour to read, but it was a very happy half hour in which I laughed out loud many times. Mouses Noses introduces us to Paul Mouse who is allergic to, of all things, cheese. (It makes his bottom turn blue and his tail turn up like a question mark.) He doesn't live with the other mice because of this, but instead spends his time with a Christmas tree angel named Sandra, and the Tinby, a mysterious toy. He visits his mice friends in a plastic wrap suit, which they think is the height of mouse fashion. After one particularly stressful visit in which Paul's fashionable suit fails to protect him, Sandra suggests that Paul, the Tinby, and the dog next door (Rowley Barker Hobbs) go get a nice, posh dinner. Instead, they discover the horror that is mouse noses on toast. While many mice think that it is a myth, like caviar or colorful parrot soup with extra beaky bits, it turn out that humans do eat this dreadful delicacy. Can the mice stop this horror? When a slightly hippie activist mouse comes on the scene, and the Tinby goes in to battle mode, then maybe, just maybe, they can get to the bottom of this. If they can get anyone's attention, that is. The humor here is, obviously, dark. I'm not going to make comparisons to Lemony Snicket in terms of writing or content, but I think those that enjoyed the macabre humor of the unfortunate series are bound to enjoy this little book. Although the reading level and length may be suited to slightly younger ages, the humor and subject matter of this book make it more likely to appeal to readers 10 - 12, and even more likely to appeal to adult readers of children's stories. There's a lot younger readers will miss. It would make a great read-aloud for younger kids, with you on hand to answer the inevitable questions, I think.

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