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How the Grinch Stole Christmas!  有书评 有 mp3
Author:   Seuss, Dr.
Series: Dr. Seuss 
Category: Fiction - Christmas  Humorous  Language 

ISBN: 9780394800790  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 64 页
Age / Level: 4-7, Level-1,适合亲子阅读
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 14
押 金: ¥112
逾期借阅费: ¥14/月


Series / 所属系列:
Dr. Seuss :  这就是大名鼎鼎的苏斯博士的书,遍布美国各个图书馆,而且其二手书在美国十分畅销并且折价不多!用非常有限的词汇编写的幽默故事,几乎颠覆了人们对儿童书的认知,滑稽的动作、夸张的语言、幽默的故事,深得孩子们喜欢。

Overview / 简介:
The Grinch has been foiled!

The Grinch hates Christmas, and wants to stop it from coming. So he forms a devious plan: to impersonate Santy Claus and to steal the Whos’ Christmas presents. But come Christmas morning, the Grinch is in for a shocking surprise. He did not stop Christmas from coming! And the Grinch realizes something new. That maybe Christmas doesn’t come from a store. That maybe Christmas . . . perhaps . . . means a little bit more!

Now always available with a foil cover!

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
You're a mean one, Mr. Grinch. But are you rotten enough to ruin Whoville's Christmas Whobilation this year, even after Cindy Lou Who nominates you to be the Cheermeister of the event? Based on Dr. Seuss's wacky and wonderful classic picture book, How the Grinch Stole Christmas and the motion picture screenplay of the same name, this novelization elaborates on the story of a holiday gone awry. Little Cindy Lou Who, her cheerfully dopey dad, Lou Lou Who, her semi-delinquent teenage brothers Stu and Drew Lou Who, the Martha Stewartesque Martha May Whovier, and the nastiest, most cynical, evil-hearted Grinch around star in this Christmas comedy. Seventeen color photos from the film are included. (Ages 8 to 12) --Emilie Coulter

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家有俩明珠: 难度比较大,不适合刚启蒙的阶段 2015/5/8 10:15:00
0 顶.  
daniel妈咪2015: 苏博士 2016/1/11 22:08:00
这本书 有难度 不过 换面丰富,圣诞节的内容和苏博士一惯幽默搞怪的表现手法,让孩子喜欢的不得了,生生让我给他亲读下来了,虽然这个难度崽子现在自己读不了,但是不影响他对故事的喜爱,天马行空的想象空间,让孩子脑东打开
0 顶.  
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