畅销书: 不能错过的英语启蒙——中国孩子的英语路线图
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The Cat in the Hat Comes Back  有书评 有内页照片 有 mp3
Author:   Seuss, Dr.
Series: Dr. Seuss 
Category: Fiction - Humorous  Language 

ISBN: 9780394800028  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 64 页
Age / Level: 5-8, Level-2,适合亲子阅读
Type & Binding: 硬皮精装本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 8.99
押 金: ¥90
逾期借阅费: ¥14/月


Series / 所属系列:
Dr. Seuss :  这就是大名鼎鼎的苏斯博士的书,遍布美国各个图书馆,而且其二手书在美国十分畅销并且折价不多!用非常有限的词汇编写的幽默故事,几乎颠覆了人们对儿童书的认知,滑稽的动作、夸张的语言、幽默的故事,深得孩子们喜欢。

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
That behatted and bow-tied cat from Dr. Seuss's The Cat in the Hat is back, and, not surprisingly, is up to all sorts of mischief. This time, Sally and her brother are stuck shoveling snow: "This was no time for play./ This was no time for fun./ This was no time for games./ There was work to be done." But--you guessed it--the laughing Hat Cat has other ideas, as he lets himself in to eat cake in their tub. He leaves behind "a big long pink cat ring," which he then handily cleans with "MOTHER'S WHITE DRESS!" The dress then loses its pink stain to the wall, then Dad's shoes, then the rug in the hall, until finally the Cat must call in some assistance: from inside his hat comes Little Cat A, then Littler Cats B, C, D, E, and so on, nested like dolls in ever tinier hats. With this pack of felines, Sally and her brother may get rid of those stains, but they'll likely never be rid of that rascally cat. As should be expected from the good doctor, The Cat in the Hat Comes Back provides an excellent reader (and alphabet primer) for those just learning, not to mention ample laughs for everyone else.

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
The Cat In The Hat Comes Back (beginner books) is a great book for children just learning to read. The child is introduced to words that rhyme and the letters of the alphabet. The focus is clearly on children since the entire short story takes place while two young children are left at home while their mother goes "to the town." Moreover, the illustrations are wonderful. The action begins when the two kids, one boy and one girl, are shoveling snow while their mother runs errands. Naturally, The Cat In The Hat returns to do more mischief and, quite conveniently, set up a story that teaches children the alphabet and rhyming words. After the cat makes a mess in the bathtub we are introduced to all his little helpers who are named from A to Z--great alphabet lesson! The story is made amusing for small children because the pink mess in the tub goes to their mother's dress, the wall and eventually all the snow outside! It's a silly premise; but it'll work for young children just learning to read. They'll like the humor of this. Of course, Seuss also inserts plenty of words to teach children more vocabulary. Children are introduced to words like cold and warm, fun and done, dig and pig, news and shoes, whose and news--and more! Excellent! I cannot help but notice that some people felt that the use of guns in the story (they help take away the pink snow mess) might lead children to conclude that guns are "OK." Unfortunately, these people have a good point. Dr. Seuss could have and should have used another method instead of guns to clean away the pink snow mess. I will take off one star for this: I would take off more but the rest of the book is so thoughtfully done that I can't go lower on my rating. Overall, I recommend The Cat In The Hat Comes Back for parents to use as a tool to help very young children learn to read. The kids will love it; and hopefully some fond memories will be made when you sit down and read this with your children. I also recommend that you mention that guns are bad and maybe add that the guns in this book were special in that they couldn't hurt anybody. All in all, great job, Dr. Seuss!

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无为的自在: 经典 2012/3/9 16:53:00
是和the cat in the hat一起借的。太好玩的故事了,想象奇特。看到帽子里一个接一个的猫出现,孩子笑翻了!猫的突然出现!--令人抓狂的过程!--快速收场!英语嘛,就是磨耳朵了,读起来还有难度。
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杜杜妈: 经典就是经典 2010/12/8 18:07:00
选择这本书因为它的名气,也是因为杜杜正在学Sight Words,而且有些前学后忘。希望通过阅读,能记住些。刚拿到书,我有些失望,杜杜也不喜欢,因为看上去印刷很一般,不像国外书那么精致。但因为其名声在外,我还是强迫杜杜读了下去,刚读了几页,我和杜杜都被吸引住了,杜杜还告诉我:“我真傻,刚开始还说这本书not funny.”
写一个精彩的故事本身就很难,而要用220个Sight words完成一个有趣的故事就更难了。向大师致敬!本身绝对值得一看!
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dolphin: 孩子才能想象得出 2010/12/10 16:27:00
这一次,妈妈同样外出去城里了,临走前,给萨莉和哥哥分配了扫雪的任务。满院子的雪,什么时候才能打扫干净呢?突然,戴高帽子的猫出现了!兄妹俩可不想搭理这只淘气猫,可他竟然径自闯进屋里,躺在浴缸里吃蛋糕!吃完了,还留下一圈粉色的脏污,怎么也清理不掉。眼看两兄妹急得干瞪眼,戴高帽子的猫自告奋勇——妈妈的白裙子、浴室的墙、爸爸的皮鞋、甚至是爸爸的大床……都成了他的工具,可是依然没法除去这些讨厌的脏污。这可怎么办呢?只见这只大猫从头上的帽子里变出小猫A,然后是小猫B、C、D、 E……它们一个比一个小,热火朝天地要帮大猫清除脏污,却越弄越糟糕!从小猫A到小猫Y,浴池里的一圈脏污由于这群小猫的存在,变成了整个院子的脏污,连雪也变成粉红色的了!这群捣蛋的戴高帽子的猫总是越帮越忙!对了,还有一只小猫Z!它小得不能再小,你瞪大了眼睛也瞧不见。小猫Z能帮大猫和他的25个小伙伴清除这些脏污吗?萨莉和哥哥能在妈妈回来前把雪打扫干净吗?
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dolphin: 单词 2010/12/10 16:30:00
该书仍然使用6岁儿童能识别的200多个单词,用押韵俏皮的诗句形式向孩子们讲述了一只调皮搞怪却又古道热肠的猫的故事。孩子们不仅能从中巩固A——Z等26个英文字母,还能轻松地学会像“cold”(冷)和“warm”(温暖) ,“fun”(有趣 )和“down”( 消沉), “dig” (讽刺)和“pig” (猪), “news”(新闻)和 “shoes”(鞋)等反义词或谐音词,寓教于乐,真是太棒了!

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happysophie: 好看 2011/3/13 21:46:00
猫居然躺在浴缸里吃蛋糕,其中一个孩子很气愤的关上热水管,放掉热水管,可是浴缸上有一圈粉色的印儿,丫头说是蛋糕上的颜色。孩子不高兴,猫用白睡衣擦,结果白睡衣变粉了;又用爸爸的些,又用地毯,又弄到爸爸的床上,天啊,孩子们很着急。猫不急不忙地请来了帽子里的CAT A,CAT B,CAT C帮忙,粉色弄到雪上,整个雪全变成了粉色,最后,小得看不见的Z帮助吸走了粉色,而且也铲好路。
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little bee: 永远的苏斯博士 2011/7/16 17:20:00
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佳儿: the cat in the hat 的后记 2012/2/17 20:32:00
上次结果the cat in the hat,后来发现怎么还有没完的故事,女儿坚持要借,看看后面发生了什么。这次真的更有趣。虽然里面有生词,但是看了图片,女儿都知道cat把浴缸弄脏了,后来把那些脏东西弄的到处都是,后来她还给我讲了起来。
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hanahaiyans: 要是有配套的动画就更好了 2012/4/26 12:59:00
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daniel妈咪2015: 初遇~苏博士 2016/1/11 21:30:00
这本书很有意思,是在看完the cat in the hat后看的,同样的仅仅用了两百多个单词写成的绘本,依旧这样趣味横生~用词简单,而且有雅韵句式,孩子自己读的话也是没有问题的,里面那种搞怪的猫,是儿子大爱的,左后出场的小Z,他还非说自己能看到~~哈哈哈 真的很能激发孩子的无线想象····
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