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The Only Ones
Author:   Aaron Starmer
Category: Fiction - Action  Fables 

ISBN: 9780385740432  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 336 页
Age / Level: 9-12, / Level-6
Type & Binding: 硬皮精装本,Advanced Chapter Book!!
Original Price: $ 17.99
押 金: ¥108
逾期借阅费: ¥18/月


Overview / 简介:
"Call it coincidence, call it fate. This is the place you come. There's nowhere else. There's no one else. This is the entire world."

These words welcome Martin Maple to the village of Xibalba. Like the other children who've journeyed there, he faces an awful truth.

He was forgotten.

When families and friends all disappeared one afternoon, these were the only ones left behind. There's Darla, who drives a monster truck, Felix, who uses string and wood to rebuild the Internet, Lane, who crafts elaborate contraptions, and nearly forty others, each equally brilliant and peculiar.

Inspired by the prophesies of a mysterious boy who talks to animals, Martin believes he can reunite them with their loved ones. But believing and knowing are two different things, as he soon discovers with the push of a button, flip of a switch, turn of a dial . . .

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
The Only Ones started with a simple idea. A boy grows up on an island. He knows nothing of the world beyond the ocean. When he finally builds up the courage to leave the island, he finds the world is gone. Everybody else has disappeared. It was enough to get me writing, but simple ideas rarely stay simple. Soon this empty world had a handful of inhabitants, an extraordinary band of kids with odd talents and obsessions. It was a little bit Lord of the Flies. It was a little bit The Little Rascals. It was a lot different than anything else out there. Famine and disease and war and oppressive governments and natural disasters make for riveting stories, but they had no place in this book. Sure, we were talking about the apocalypse, but there had to be mystery, magic and bouts of emotion. Kids left to rule the earth? How could it be any other way? As an author, I hesitate to give much plot away, but I will make a few promises about The Only Ones. I promise a resolution that's both satisfying and unpredictable. I promise shocking moments, and tender moments, and funny moments. I promise a komodo dragon and a box full of kittens. I promise that if you read the sample chapter and find yourself hooked, then you'll be hooked all the way to the very end. And I promise that you will put the book down and know you have read something entirely unique. When I started this story two years ago, I was hoping it would land in the hands of enthusiastic readers who would spread the word to friends. I still hope that's the case. So the only promise I ask you to make is this: If you read The Only Ones and like it, then tell someone. It will make me

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
This is a great book for both young adults and adults. I enjoyed reading it as much as my 11 year old son :) If you like The Maze Runner series, you will love The Only Ones. It quickly grabs your attention and keeps it all the way to the unpredictable ending. We plan on giving a copy to my son's school library so others can enjoy it as much as we did. I highly recommend this book!

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