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Born to Fly
Author:   Ferrari, Michael
Category: Fiction

ISBN: 9780375846076  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 224 页
Age / Level: 9-12, / Level-6
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Advanced Chapter Book
Original Price: $ 212
押 金: ¥1272
逾期借阅费: ¥212/月


Overview / 简介:
Ever since she can remember, Bird has loved flying in small propeller airplanes with her mechanic dad. When the local airstrip is turned into a military flight school, Bird is in heaven—and she manages to turn one young airman's interest in her older sister into some personal flight lessons.
Then a young Japanese American student named Kenji Fujita joins Bird's class, and the entire school seems to be convinced that he's a spy, a secret agent, or at the very least, that he and his uncle want the Japs to win.
But through a class project, Bird and Kenji befriend each other and accidentally discover real spy activity in the area. So begins an adventure that will shake the town and may even change the future of the United States.

Winner of the Dell Yearling Contest

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
Grade 4–7—Bird McGill regards her dad as her best friend. He takes her up in the planes he repairs and lets her take the controls, and he encourages her dream of becoming a pilot. But a special bulletin disrupts her 11th-birthday afternoon: Japan has attacked the military base in Pearl Harbor, and Bird's world is turned upside down. During the next few months, the local airstrip is turned into a military flight school, and her dad is shipped overseas. When a Japanese-American boy joins Bird's class that spring, he is met with distrust. Although his uncle, with whom he is staying, is a longtime resident of Bird's Rhode Island town, they are both thought to be spies, or at least loyal to Japan. Circumstances compel Kenji and Bird to join forces one day to escape Farley, a class bully, and in the process they stumble on evidence of an enemy submarine in the area. When they attempt to report what they have seen, nobody believes them. Their problems are compounded when Farley's shiftless father is murdered and the local engine factory is sabotaged: Kenji's uncle is blamed. Only Bird can clear Uncle Tomo, but the murderer has threatened to kill her family if she speaks up. Well-developed characters make this story of friendship amid hostilities shine. While the coincidences surrounding the murderer can stretch credulity at times, this action-packed first novel is full of engaging twists and turns, and readers learn about the injustices done to many Japanese Americans during World War II. First-rate historical fiction.

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
I may be only 9 years old, but I've read a lot of good books. And this marvelous book `Born To Fly` is one of my top 5,maybe even top 3, favorites. I am glad that someone finally made an action-adventure novel with a real female heroine. I also like the friendship bond that happens between Kenji and Bird. Lastly, I absolutely love the increasing drama. All in all, I think the book deserves the Delacorte Yearling Prize. Thank you.

About the Author / 作者介绍:
Michael Ferrari has worked as an English teacher, vacuum cleaner salesman, freight dockworker, lipstick machine operator, air-to-air cameraman, network T.V. censor, and feature film editor. He got the idea for Born to Fly at a World War II airshow when he overheard a boy tell his little sister as she climbed inside a P-40 cockpit that girls can never be fighter pilots. It broke her heart. He wrote the story for her, and his daughters.

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