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Thank You, Lucky Stars
Author:   Donofrio, Beverly
Category: Fiction

ISBN: 9780375839641  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 240 页
Age / Level: 10 and Up, Level-7
Type & Binding: 硬皮精装本,Advanced Chapter Book!!
Original Price: $ 16.99
押 金: ¥102
逾期借阅费: ¥17/月


Overview / 简介:
It’s the first day of fifth grade, and Ally is psyched. She and her best friend, Betsy, are in the same class, and have already planned on singing in the annual talent show together. But it’s not long before she sees that Betsy has made a new best friend, and Ally is no longer on her radar screen. Not to mention that the weird new kid, Tina, has glommed on to Ally. In this phenomenally accurate and readable portrayal of the trials and tribulations of fifth grade, readers will watch a quirky, sensitive, and extraordinarily likeable girl try to survive. Narrated in Ally’s distinctive first person voice, Thank You, Lucky Stars beautifully illustrates that it is possible to be unpopular, individualistic, nice, and still have fun.

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
Grade 4–6—Ally's plans for fifth grade are falling apart. On the first day of school her best friend, Betsy, deserts her for popular, fabulous Mona. Now Ally won't be able to perform "Bridge over Troubled Water" with her in the talent show. Then along comes Tina, the new girl. Most kids think she's completely bizarre, as her clothes and hair are weird and she doesn't seem to care about the opinions of others. To her surprise, Ally gets along with Tina and finds a comfortable place with the socially awkward, nonjudgmental, smart kids at school. Predictably, in the end, she must choose between the cool kids and her newfound friends. This is an enjoyable read, and many girls will see themselves in the protagonist. However, many recent books feature quirky female characters, and this one struggles to stay with the pack. Ally makes references to Princess Leia, disco, and Simon and Garfunkel, which could make it challenging for readers to ascertain the story's time frame. Although her antics are entertaining, Tina's aloofness may distance readers from her struggles with her bipolar mother. The story is sweet, but the eccentric girls in Linda Urban's A Crooked Kind of Perfect (Harcourt) and Lauren Tarshis's Emma-Jean Lazarus Fell out of a Tree (Dial, both 2007) are better developed characters.—Laura Lutz, Queens Borough Public Library, NY

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
Rating: five stars. This book is one of my favorite books. I work in the childrens' dept. at our local library and was reading some of our new books when i came across this one. i would highly reccommend this book to girls of all ages. This is a stroy of a challenging friendship that just reminded me of when i was in fifth and sixth grade. This was a great book and everyone should read it!

About the Author / 作者介绍:
Beverly Donofrio (born c.1950) is an author most noted for writing Riding in Cars with Boys, her autobiography. The book was made into a movie with the same title and starred Drew Barrymore as Donofrio. She also is a prolific essayist, having published work in numerous anthologies, in the New York Times, Washington Post Sunday Magazine, The Village Voice, and in such magazines as Allure, Cosmopolitan, O: The Oprah Magazine, and Marie Claire. Her second memoir, Looking for Mary, or the Blessed Mother and Me, is about the Virgin Mary, faith and her own life as a mother. Her first children's book was released by Random House in 2007. Donofrio's father is of Sicilian descent and her mother is an Italian-American. She lives in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, where she founded and currently directs the San Miguel Workshops.

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