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Little Bunny Follows His Nose (Scented Storybook)  有书评 有内页照片
Author:   Howard, Katherine / J.P. Miller
Category: Fiction - Humorous  Interactive 

ISBN: 9780375826443  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 32 页
Age / Level: 3-6,适合亲子阅读
Type & Binding: 硬皮精装本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 8.99
押 金: ¥90
逾期借阅费: ¥14/月


Overview / 简介:
What’s a bunny to do on such a fine sunny day? Follow his nose! Down the hill, into the forest, and through a vegetable garden, Little Bunny does just that! Kids will love all the wonderful things there are to smell—pine, peach, roses and more—in this classic scratch-and-sniff book originally published in 1971.

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
What?s a bunny to do on such a fine sunny day? Follow his nose! Down the hill, into the forest, and through a vegetable garden, Little Bunny does just that! Kids will love all the wonderful things there are to smell?pine, peach, roses and more?in this classic scratch-and-sniff book originally published in 1971.

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linda: 《Little Bunny Follows his Nose》 2013/12/16 16:00:00
这是一本带有香味的书,画面精美。首页上的小Bunny刚吃完午饭(画面上有一盏灯,给我的感觉像是吃完早饭),wearing her bib,仍坐地餐椅上,大大的眼睛,那小小俏俏的样子极像张老师家的二宝贝.
Bunny听从妈妈的话:“Just follow your nose and go out to play.” Down the hill, into the forest, and through a vegetable garden,他发现许多好闻的东西—浓烈韵味悠长的玫瑰,甜甜酸酸的草莓,清香的带有森林气息的松针 the smell reminds me of winter, Do they remind you of anything special? 多汁的水蜜桃,新鲜的泡菜,最后一到家门口就闻到妈妈烤饼干的味.一边写,我学着小Bunny,take a big sniff,that’s so nice, so wonderful, so delicious!
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gaolan188: 嗅觉书 2014/3/20 23:12:00
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gaolan188: 借了两次的书 2016/5/4 11:29:00
我们3岁了,再借此书,小孩一样喜欢,看着文字很多,但很浅显易懂,现在读文字,小孩能静静地听完,还会时不时跟我互动一下,here 's a rose for you ,you can smell it.
0 顶.  
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