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Fame And Glory In Freedom, Georgia
Author:   O'Connor, Barbara
Category: Fiction

ISBN: 9780374400187  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 112 页
Age / Level: 8-11, Level-5
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Chapter Book
Original Price: $ 6.95
押 金: ¥70
逾期借阅费: ¥11/月


Overview / 简介:
Publication Date: April 1, 2008 | Age Level: 8 and up | Grade Level: 3 and up
Will a spelling bee be the answer to all of Bird’s problems?

All her life, all Bird has ever wanted is to be noticed in her small town and to get to Disney World. As it turns out, Bird just might have a chance to realize at least one of her goals because of a state spelling bee, and she might get to make a friend along the way—a boy named Harlem Tate who has just moved to Freedom. Harlem seems like a kindred spirit—someone like Bird, whom people don’t usually take the time to find the good in. (Unless it’s someone like Miss Delphine, who always makes Bird feel special.) But as much as Bird tries to get his attention, Harlem is not easily won over. Then Harlem agrees to be her partner in the spelling bee, and if they study hard enough, the two might just win everything Bird’s always wanted.

In Barbara O’Connor’s funny new novel, a spunky young girl discovers that sometimes all it takes to feel famous is a little recognition from true friends.

Fame and

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
Grade 4-6-Bird's classmates make fun of her clothes, as well as of the new boy, Harlem, giving the sixth grader reason to try to make friends with him. She and her neighbor Miss Delphine take a pie over to the apartment above the tattoo parlor where he lives with Mr. Moody, who collects cans for a living. Harlem's mother has sent her son to live with his father, whom he cannot recall ever meeting, because her latest husband does not like him. Bird is unable to reach Harlem until she convinces him to be her partner in the school spelling bee. She dreams of winning a trip to Disney World and of gaining "fame and glory." Through numerous practice sessions, the two build a friendship but, unbeknownst to Bird, Harlem has poor eyesight, and during the contest he cannot see words printed on an easel. These memorable characters find ways to work through their shortcomings, use their talents, and help one another. Written in the first person, the book is down-to-earth and satisfying. Readers dealing with acceptance issues will find solace in this story of friendship. Jean Gaffney, Dayton and Montgomery County Public Library, Miamisburg, OH Copyright 2003 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
5 stars,Harlem Tate is new to Freedom, Georgia and nobody at school seems to want to be his friend except for Burdette "Bird" Weaver. Bird doesn't have any school friends either and when she sees Harlem she thinks it is a "stroke of luck". Bird wants to make him a friend "before somebody poisons his mind with lies about" her. But before she can convince him to be her friend, she hears that the annual state spelling bee is coming up and the winners of the spelling bee will earn a trip to Disney World. To be noticed and to visit Disney World are two goals Bird wants to accomplish more than anything. Bird thinks winning the spelling bee just might be the way to realize her goals but she needs to have a partner. Can she convince Harlem to be her partner and eventually her friend? Befriending Harlem and convincing him to be her parnter is a bit harder than she anticipates. With help from Miss Delphine, Bird's next-door neighbor and best friend, Harlem agrees to be Bird's spelling bee partner. Bird may just be on her way to realizing all her dreams. This is an endearing book, which illustrates the quiet strength and courage of a young girl who listened to herself rather than other people. A young girl saw the worth in a person even when society ridiculed and turned their back on that person. This book is a reminder to us all, no matter how young or old, that we each possess gifts of compassion, love and friendship and when we share those gifts with others we transform lives including our own.

About the Author / 作者介绍:
Barbara O'Connor was born and raised in Greenville, South Carolina. She draws on her Southern roots to write award-winning books for children in grades 3 to 6. Her awards include the Parents Choice Gold and Silver Award, American Library Association Notable Books, and IRA Notable Books for a Global Society. Her books have been nominated for children's choice awards in over 20 states and voted as a state favorite by children in South Carolina, Indiana, Kansas, and South Dakota. When Barbara isn't busy writing, she travels to schools to conduct writing workshops with young students, works in her garden, walks with her dogs, and thinks up ways to avoid cooking. Show More Show Less

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