畅销书: 不能错过的英语启蒙——中国孩子的英语路线图
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Adele & Simon
Author:   McClintock, Barbara
Category: Fiction - Family  Growth 

ISBN: 9780374380441  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 40 页
Age / Level: 5-8, Level-2,适合亲子阅读
Type & Binding: 硬皮精装本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 17.99
押 金: ¥108
逾期借阅费: ¥18/月


Overview / 简介:
When Simon’s older sister, Adèle, picks him up from school, he has his hat and gloves and scarf and sweater, his coat and knapsack and books and crayons, and a drawing of a cat he made that morning. Adèle makes Simon promise to try not to lose anything. But as they make their way home, distractions cause Simon to leave something behind at every stop. What will they tell their mother?

Detailed pen-and-ink drawings – filled with soft watercolors – make a game of this unforgettable tour through the streets and scenes of early-twentieth-century Paris. Illustrated endpapers extend the fun by replicating a 1907 Baedeker map of Paris.

Adèle & Simon is a 2006 New York Times Book Review Best Illustrated Book of the Year and a 2007 Bank Street - Best Children's Book of the Year.

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
PreSchool-Grade 2–When Adèle meets her younger brother after school, she cautions him not to lose anything on the way home. The children take a leisurely route, visiting friends, a street market, a park, and two museums. Predictably, Simon leaves an item (his drawing, hat, knapsack, glove) behind at each location. Set in Paris during the early 20th century, this simple story is the basis for some remarkable illustrations. McClintock's pen-and-ink with watercolor technique has the feel of illustrated children's books from that period. The retro effect is accented by an old-fashioned typeface, creamy paper, and wide borders around the spreads. The children's route is traced on the endpapers–a map of Paris from 1907. Each stop is based on a real place, some immediately recognizable, such as the Louvre and Notre-Dame. McClintock's research is described in wonderfully detailed endnotes. For example, in the picture of the bustling street market, the groupings of people are based on works by Honoré Daumier and Eugène Atget. In the Louvre, Edgar Degas and Mary Cassatt help Simon find his crayons. Readers will enjoy the visual game of hide-and-seek; the more they look, the more they can find. A beautiful example of bookmaking, with plenty to charm children, this is a visual delight.–Robin L. Gibson, Granville Parent Cooperative Preschool, OH

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
Format:HardcoverI'm a bit odd. There is nothing I like more in the entire world than for a picture book to make me feel stupid. I live for the feeling. And, as it happens, it doesn't occur as often as I should like it to. Enter in Barbara McClintock. The unofficial successor to Kate Greenway, Ms. McClintock's books are touch and go affairs. One moment she's penning the unaccountably beautiful, "Dahlia". Next minute she's scandalizing Beatrix Potter puritans everywhere with her re-illustration of, "A Tale of Two Bad Mice". I always want to count on Ms. McClintock, but I never know how a book is going to come off until I have it sitting smack dab in front of me. The fact that, "Adele and Simon" not only fell into the Good McClintock bin but went above and beyond the call of duty by being smart, beautiful, ludicrously well-detailed, and other terms of high praise... well it's enough to make a librarian like myself weep with joy. For pure unvarnished and unapologetic Francophilia alongside references to art, culture, and a smattering of "Where's Waldo", McClintok's newest is an enjoyable book that deserves as much love as I can heap upon it.

About the Author / 作者介绍:
Barbara McClintock is an author and illustrator of children's picture books. Her books have won 4 New York Times Best Books awards, a New York Times Notable Book citation, a Boston Globe/Horn Book Honor award, and numerous other awards, recommended/best book lists, and starred reviews. Her books have been made into children's videos, a ballet/opera, and a recorded books on tape. Some of her best known books are ADELE & SIMON, ADELE & SIMON IN AMERICA, DAHLIA, THE GINGERBREAD MAN ( written by Jim Aylesworth ), THE FANTASTIC DRAWINGS OF DANIELLE, ANIMAL FABLES FROM AESOP, and THE HEARTACES OF A FRENCH CAT. Barbara drew constantly as a child. By the time she was seven, she knew she would be an artist when she grew up. Her older sister recommended she be a children's book illustrator, and this proved to be a rare instance when she folowed her sisters' advice. Barbara also wanted to be a cat when she grew up, and is glad she had art as a back up plan. The first part of Barbara's growing up was in Clinton, NJ. Her early influences were her photographer father, seamstress/teacher mother, and the cartoon character Top Cat. Barbara moved to North Dakota when she was 9 with her mother and sister after her parents divorced. She continued to draw throughout middle and high school, often in the margins of her test papers and homework. Barbara attended Jamestown College in North Dakota, where she refined her drawing skills by copying pictures in art books she checked out of her college library. Two weeks after her 20th birthday, Barbara moved to New York City to begin her career on the recommendation of Maurice Sendak, whom she called from North Dakota for advice about how to become a children's book illustrator. Barbara studied briefly at the Art Student's League in New York. She continued to copy from art books she checked out from libraries, and sketched paintings and drawings in museums and galleries in New York, London, Paris, Vienna, and Lisbon. Barbara is essentially self-taught as an artist/illustrator. After working early in her career for Jim Henson illustrating books for his television series FRAGGLE ROCK, Barbara wrote and illustrated THE HEARTACHES OF A FRENCH CAT. Rejected by 16 publishers before it was bought by David R. Godine, it won Barbara's first New York Times Best Books award. She currently lives in rural Connecticut with the illustrator David A. Johnson, their two cats Pip and Emma, her son Larson when he isn't in China, and David's gorgeous rose garden. Barbara is at work on ADELE & SIMON IN CHINA, due out fall 2011.

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