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Mr. and Mrs. Portly and Their Little Dog, Snack
Author:   Jordan, Sandra / Christine Davenier
Category: Fiction - Animals  Pet  Humorous 

ISBN: 9780374350895  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 40 页
Age / Level: 6-9, Level-3
Type & Binding: 硬皮精装本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 16.99
押 金: ¥102
逾期借阅费: ¥17/月


From Organization / 国外机构评价:
Grade 1–3—Happily installed in his new home, Snack, an adorable puppy impulsively adopted by Mrs. Portly, is taught the household rules, keeps his mistress good company, and inspires her to new heights in her work as a painter. And upon his return home, persnickety Mr. Portly, an esthete, is suitably impressed with his wife's new artistic output, especially her capture of "the true spirit of red dahlias." But he also reacts predictably to Snack's licks, muddy paw prints, and newspaper chewing and banishes the dog to a doghouse. It's a serendipitous move: when a thief breaks into the Portlys' home, Snack scares him away and leads his owners to the bag of paintings hastily flung into the dahlia bed. His crime-busting earns him a move back indoors—and right into Mr. and Mrs. Portly's bed. Handsomely designed and illustrated, this title pairs stylish New Yorker-like watercolor and black line drawings with uncoated, vellum stock to convey a tangible feeling of sophistication and elegance. The witty, urbane story line is well matched by the illustrations' energy, flair, and ebullient use of color. This tale of a refined middle-aged couple coming to terms with the ruckus and love offered by an endearing puppy is sure to evoke knowing chuckles from adult dog lovers, but children may not relate to it.—Kathleen Finn, St. Francis Xavier School, Winooski, VT END

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
Mrs. Amanda Portly really wasn't much for dogs, but when she went to the farmers' market and saw the sign "PUPPY $5 to a good home. His name is Snack" she couldn't resist. She put him in with her vegetables and took him home. It was a good thing Mr. Portly was off on a fishing trip because he was so "persnickety" that Snack wouldn't have made it through the front door. Well, before you know it (and after being given the Mr. Portly rules) he was sleeping on Mr. Portly's pillow and was being called "Snackie-boo." It was a life of leisure that set Snack's tail to wagging big time. Snack inspired Mrs. Portly to paint and he proved to be an "amazing help" to her, but soon Mr. Portly was coming home. When Zander walked through the door and saw Snack there was trouble. Puppies were one thing, but when he claimed "I hate dogs" Snack's life was going to change. Hair on the chair, a delicately gnawed newspaper and a dog in the bed were intolerable. Very soon there was an ultimatum when Zander declared, "That's it. The dog goes . . . or I go." It was crisis time for Snackie-boo. Was he really going to be thrown out of the house or was there some way he could win over Mr. Portly? This charming little story of little Sanckie-boo and his Zander dilemma will thrill dog lovers. Some people are just plain old persnickety and do not like dogs, but when they meet up with pups like Snack, it's very difficult to keep from falling in love with them. The watercolors have some nice delicate touches that accentuate the artistic nature of Mrs. Portly and Snack. This type of story would be a fun one to read during circle or story time, where the audience will definitely adore Snackie-boo. Of course if you are a cat lover, you need not apply here, but if you love dogs this tale is quite heartwarming!

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