畅销书: 不能错过的英语启蒙——中国孩子的英语路线图
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Bartleby Speaks!
Author:   Cruise, Robin / Kevin Hawkes (Author)
Category: Fiction - Family  Parent 

ISBN: 9780374305147  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 32 页
Age / Level: 6-9, Level-3
Type & Binding: 硬皮精装本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 16.99
押 金: ¥102
逾期借阅费: ¥17/月


From Organization / 国外机构评价:
Starred Review. Kindergarten-Grade 1—Like most toddlers, Bartleby enjoys playing patty-cake, crawling, and jumping. But he doesn't say a single word. His mother sings loudly in pig Latin, his father plays the cello at bedtime, and his sister shrieks as she tap dances around him. Still, he doesn't talk. On his third birthday, after he enjoys sitting quietly on the porch swing with Grampy as they listen to and enjoy nature together, things change. Finally, Bartleby has something to say. Hawkes's energetic illustrations will elicit smiles, especially at the notable resemblance between Bartleby's ears and his grandfather's. The characters' expressive eyes, including the dog's, add to the humor. Youngsters will wait with great anticipation for the hilarious conclusion and ask for repeated readings.—Blair Christolon, Prince William Public Library System, Manassas, VA

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
Bartleby was swaddled in blue, not pink, mind you, but blue. Mr. And Mrs. Huddle, his sister Isodora and their dog Ludwig proudly hovered over him. He was a beautiful baby, but really didn't have anything to say. He "gurgled and cooed and clucked," but not a real word came out of him. He made lots of noises, including "rude poopy noises," but couldn't even manage a "Ma-Ma or Pa-pa" like every other normal baby. He just grew and grew and before you know it he was walking. Everyone in the family thought in was their duty to get Bartleby to say something, but try as they might, he just wasn't about to open his mouth and say anything. His mother crooned opera at him as he lay in his bed. "Bar-tle-bee-bee-BEE!" No go. His father yanked his bow across the strings of his cello and sang at him too. "URRGHH-AWWWH-THRRRR." No go. His all-knowing sister Isodora knew it was her duty to tap dance him into speaking. No go. Even Luwig gave it a try. No go. He looked at them all with a slightly amused look on his face, but not a peep came out of him. The family packed up Bartleby and took him to Old Dr. Smoot. There must be something wrong with a three-year-old who wouldn't speak. Or was there? Many children march to their own drummer and have their own "schedule" for doing things and Bartleby was no exception in this regard. The story and the vibrant artwork combined make this tale a winner from beginning to end. I loved the exaggerated expressions on everyone's faces, including Ludwig's. I quietly chuckled to myself when I saw the "I'm going to roll my eyes" expression on Bartleby's face. If you have a late talker in your house or are simply in the mood for an uproariously darling tale, you'll want to take a look at Bartleby and his hysterical family!

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