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Abigale The Happy Whale
Author:   Farrelly, Peter / Rama, Jamie
Category: Fiction - Social  Nature 

ISBN: 9780316011907  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 32 页
Age / Level: 6-9, Level-3
Type & Binding: 硬皮精装本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 15.99
押 金: ¥96
逾期借阅费: ¥16/月


Overview / 简介:
Abigale comes up with a "whale" of an idea to prevent Land People from polluting the sea.

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
Grade 2-4–This picture book has a serious message underneath its wry humor. Abigale, the sole happy humpback in her pod, joins the other whales on a mission to go to the beach. She stops frequently to visit one of her many friends along the way. All of these creatures have been impacted by litter thrown into the sea, including Wordsmith the Swordfish, whose sharp sword has a tire around it. The head whale in the pod has decided on beaching as a form of social protest, but Abigale comes up with a better way to get the attention of the Land People who are trashing the ocean. While the culmination of the plot is clever, the journey is more than a little long. Too many characters are introduced, and the text gets bogged down in repetitive detail. Rama's digital illustrations do a good job of bringing the murky depths of the sea to life and in giving the characters personality. Overall, though, Abigale sinks under the weight of its worthy message.

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
4 stars,All the humpback whales that live in Santa Monica are sad, except for Abigale the Happy Whale. Abigale thinks that her school is going on a trip to the beach. On the way, she meets up with all her sea friends who question her about why whales would be going to the beach. Abigale helps her friends who have had their beds squished by things people throw into the ocean, or are hit on the head by golf clubs when they are tossed in the sea, or might have a tire stuck on their nose. Finally, Abigale is fed up with all the questions, and she asks her school teacher why they were going to the beach. Her teacher explains that they aren't going to the beach, rather they are going to beach themselves so people will learn what pollution is doing to the ocean. This makes Abigale sad. Is there anything she can do that will teach humans about water pollution without the whales having to become beached? Abigale the Happy Whale is a cute story for four-to eight-year-olds. It is written in an adorable, yet quirky manner, and the characters have unique names, such as, Golfin' Dolphin, or Wordsmith the Swordfish. The book had several instances in it that made even my fifteen-year-old laugh out loud, and it completely held the interest of my four-year-old daughter, who wanted me to read it over and over. Abigale the Happy Whale is a wonderful way to teach children what pollution does to our oceans and how it affects the sea creatures. I recommend ABIGALE THE HAPPY WHALE for your favorite child. Armchair Interviews says: The illustrations are colorful and well-done and Abigale the Happy Whale is guaranteed to keep your child engaged.

About the Author / 作者介绍:
Peter Farrelly has collaborated with his brother Bobby Farrelly on a number of hit films, including, "Dumb and Dumber," "Kingpin," "There's Something about Mary," "Me, Myself, and Irene," and "Stuck on You." They are now working on the big-screen adaptation of "The Three Stooges." He is also the author of two novels, Outside Providence and The Comedy Writer, from which this story is adapted. Jamie Rama is a feature film illustrator, and this is his first picture book.

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