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Sammy ,The Classroom Guinea Pig(名作家Alix Berenzy著作)  有书评 有内页照片  可点读
Author:   Berenzy, Alix / Alix Berenzy
Category: Fiction - Animals  Pet  Humorous  School  可点读

ISBN: 9780312379643  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 32 页
Age / Level: 5-8, Level-2,适合亲子阅读
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 6.99
押 金: ¥70
逾期借阅费: ¥11/月


From Organization / 国外机构评价:
PreS-Gr. 2. Guinea pigs are popular classroom pets, so many kids will identify with the experience of the students in Ms. B.'s. class. When the children come in on Monday after two days away, Sammy begins squealing in a way that nobody can understand. The children check his fur and try to figure out if he's frightened or ill. During this examination, much interesting information about guinea pigs' habits is inserted into the text. Softly shaded watercolors, set against a background the color of summer corn, make Sammy seem especially endearing and eminently pick-upable. The kids in the class also have the air of real students. A final "facts about guinea pigs" page adds information about the sounds the animals make, their habits, and how to care for them. In a particularly satisfying ending, one of the students comes up with an explanation for Sammy's noisy problem: he's just happy to see the kids after their weekend away. Ilene Cooper

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
This charming picture book manages to impart the basics of guinea pig care combined with an engaging storyline and absolutely perfect illustrations. Follow along with class and teacher as they try to figure out why their pet is in distress. Their attempts to aid him provide the little pig with the attention he craves. Readers will fall in love with Sammy and his wonderfully expressive face. An excellent book for youngsters considering acquiring a guinea pig.

About the Author / 作者介绍:
Alix Berenzy is the author and illustrator of two adapted fairy tales, A Frog Prince and Rapunzel. She has also illustrated several other books about animals, including Home at Last, Into the Sea, and My Kingdom for a Horse. Ms. Berenzy lives in Pennsylvania.

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yixinma: Guinea Pig的形象太太太太可爱了! 2010/12/2 20:55:00
Sammy是一只养在教室里的Guinea Pig(几内亚猪?很像宠物店里的荷兰猪),星期一似乎有些反常,到底出了什么问题?答案很出乎意料——周末没有小朋友陪,太孤独了!这本书最打动我的是绘图,Sammy的神态好可爱啊,恨不得从书里抓出来抱着!
1 顶.  
溪溪宝贝: 快2岁的女儿一点不喜欢 2011/1/21 14:03:00
1 顶.  
hanahaiyans: 对8岁基础一般的女儿来讲有些难了 2011/7/20 12:08:00
1 顶.  
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