畅销书: 不能错过的英语启蒙——中国孩子的英语路线图
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Fox Eyes  有书评
Author:   Gerstein, Mordicai
Category: Fiction - Fantasy 

ISBN: 9780307465092  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 80 页
Age / Level: 9-12, / Level-6
Type & Binding: 硬皮精装本,Intermediate Chapter Book
Original Price: $ 13.55
押 金: ¥112
逾期借阅费: ¥14/月


Overview / 简介:
Martin is spending the end of summer with Great-Aunt Zavella. She knows the woods inside and out, every fern and every flower. She even seems to know the red fox that watches Martin when he plays the violin. Aunt Zavella has warned Martin never to stare into a fox’s eyes. But what could possibly happen if he did?

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
Grade 3-5-In the first book, Martin is spending the summer with his Great Aunt Zavella, who has warned him never to stare into a fox's eyes. However, he is tempted and finds himself in the fox's body for a day. Using a magical-realism style, Gerstein is successful in leading readers to suspend belief that the child and animal could change places. Yet this is a complicated concept for new readers. Rich and Famous is a sequel to Welcome to Starvation Lake (Golden, 2000). Here, the fourth graders are having a contest to see who can raise the most money to pay for a class trip to ecology camp. The plot is filled with action, exaggerated humor, and clever twists. Both books consist of text with simple sentence construction peppered with a few complex sentences. Even though these transitional chapter books look appropriate for third-grade children, some inexperienced readers will find the stories a bit too complex to follow. Both books have some chapters that are 13 pages long, broken by only one or two full-page, pen-and-ink illustrations. Margins provide only a limited amount of white space. In addition, Rich and Famous has nine characters plus assorted family members, friends, and teachers to keep track of as they travel from home to school in the story. These are not first purchases. Blair Christolon, Prince William Public Library System, Manassas, VA

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
This book is unusual and wonderful. It's excellent for precocious readers (bright children whose reading ability outstrips their ages) -- interesting, thought-provoking plot, rich language, yet not too long, and the font is slightly larger than usual. All of us, from my youngest, who's 5, through my 56 year old husband, loved this book.

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hanahaiyans: 狐狸的眼睛 2011/8/11 15:56:00
马丁夏季快结束的时候都和大阿姨Zavella住在一起。她对树林里的一切都很了解,小到每一种蕨类植物,每一朵花。她甚至好像知道马丁拉小提琴的时候,一只赤狐在看着他。 Zavella阿姨已经警告过马丁不要与狐狸的眼睛对视。但如果他真这样做了,又会怎样呢?
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