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Ginger Pye
Author:   Estes, Eleanor
Category: Fiction

ISBN: 9780152025052  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 322 页
Age / Level: 10 and Up, Level-7
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Advanced Chapter Book!!
Original Price: $ 6.99
押 金: ¥70
逾期借阅费: ¥11/月


Overview / 简介:
Eleanor Estes’s Ginger Pye, a 1952 Newbery Medal winner, is a warm, witty mystery set in a small-town American community. Ginger Pye, the star of the show, is the very smart dog that ten-year-old Jerry Pye buys for a hard-earned dollar. The most famous pup in Cranbury (a town between Boston and New York), Ginger knows many tricks, is as loyal as he is smart, and steals the hearts of everyone he meets . . . until someone steals him! Will Jerry and his sister Rachel ever be able to find their beloved terrier? The author’s own black-and-white sketches leave just enough to the imagination.
Don’t miss the sequel, Pinky Pye, also available in paperback!

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
`Here is the book for which we have been waiting...a story written with sympathy, humor, and understanding. An outstanding book.' The Horn Book --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
This is a very sweet story that details the happenings as two siblings who get along strangely well go about earning money to purchase a puppy, get and keep the puppy, and then have the puppy stolen from them. The main characters, Jerry and Rachel Pye get along better than any brother and sister pair that I've ever known. In addition, they are quite avid readers and seem to think deeper than most children of their age. My favorite character was Rachel Pye who tended to be on the fairy tale side of most situations and whose "reasonableness" sometimes wasn't so reasonable. Ginger, the puppy that gets bought and then stolen is a very remarkable dog and is considered highly intelligent by most of the family and small town in which they reside. The author does a great job in portraying the dog's thoughts but during the description of the "pencil incident" I felt she was untrue to the story's previous voice. Before and after this point in the book she had used Ginger's actions to describe what he was thinking or feeling, but during this incident only, the puppy takes on qualities of personification that don't ring true for the rest of the book. One slightly irritating part of the book was another main character, Sam Doody. Sam Doody seems to always come by with a miracle in his pocket. I wish that Estes had spent a little bit more time developing his character rather than have him come swooping in out of nowhere to save the day on several occasions. Uncle Bennie, the siblings three-year-old uncle, was a favorite character of mine. I loved that he was a hero in Cranbury and that he was allowed to do certain things because he was an uncle and even took on certain personality traits because of his young age at having a niece and a nephew. Mr. Pye is a pretty absent father throughout most of the book and even seems a bit flaky when he is at home. Mrs. Pye seems to be a very good hearted person, yet very young mother. The illustrations by the author are very interesting and I was left with the question on whether these were carvings in wood or actually paper/pen illustrations. They are always true to the story and give a completeness for many of its younger readers. Overall, this book is a good mystery with some lovable characters and a pretty good plot throughout. You breathe a sigh of contentment as you close the book knowing that Ginger is in a safe place.

About the Author / 作者介绍:
ELEANOR ESTES (1906-1988), a children's librarian for many years, launched her writing career with the publication of The Moffats in 1941.

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