畅销书: 不能错过的英语启蒙——中国孩子的英语路线图
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Author:   Ray, Mary Lyn / Lauren Stringer
Category: Fiction - Bedtime 

ISBN: 9780152024611  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 32 页
Age / Level: 4-7, Level-1,适合亲子阅读
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 7
押 金: ¥70
逾期借阅费: ¥11/月


Overview / 简介:
PreSchool-Grade 2?What happens in the spring? Before the fruit blossoms, before the daffodils, even before the grass? Why, mud, of course. The earth secretly thaws, and one morning a child looks out the door and sees winter receding down a rutted muddy road. The leaves once trapped in old snow escape and fly away. Little puddles of water appear and the youngster takes off her shoes. Mud takes over the world. Feet in mud are happy feet. Hands in mud hold all the promise of green spring, soon to come. The free-verse poem evokes sounds ("squish, squk") and images ("hills remember their colors") and relates the action ("dig it! dance it!"). The first line, "One night it happens," may be the model for many students' future poems. Stringer's acrylic paintings give large scale to objects such as oak leaves that require nearly a full page to be expressed. The artist makes a pair of grimy feet jump for joy and feel good to be alive. A lyrical celebration of the cycle of the seasons.?Ruth Semrau, formerly at Lovejoy School, Allen, TX

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
The eye-catching cover of this cheerful homage to the coming of spring features a splendid close-up of chubby toddler feet happily stuck in "gooey, gloppy, mucky,/ magnificent mud." "One night it happens," Ray (Pumpkins; Shaker Boy) begins mysteriously. "...Someone opening/ a door will notice:/ earth comes unfrozen." Stringer, in her auspicious picture book debut, portrays a solitary child viewing the brown leaves that "loosen/ from their frozen drifts and run/ rattling in the flapping wind," then playing in a gigantic mud puddle ("Stir it. Stick it./ Dig it. Dance it"). The reader sees the child's yellow boots and red socks give way to muddy toes and a single, full-length portrait of the child almost flying through the inviting springtime air. The bold acrylic paintings burst from their full-bleed spreads like tulips, with skewed perspectives and scalloped, abstract designs representing the grass and clouds. If not in the same league as e.e. cummings's famous "mudluscious" tribute to spring, Ray's brief poem nevertheless captures the joy of seeing winter "Squish Squck Sop Splat Slurp/ melt in mud./ Happy mud."

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
For everyone who can't wait for winter to recede; for everyone who loves the smell of rain on warm dirt; for everyone who relishes squishing mud between their toes comes this eye level view of mud emerging with the spring thaw. Preschoolers delight in the dirty feet splashing through the mud. This is a great addition to a collection about the seasons. The illustrations lend themselves to describing what happens with the warmer weather. It also includes fun, descriptive words that young children will enjoy using. Any read just wouldn't be complete without mixing a batch of mud...

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