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Cork&Fuzz Short and Tall  有书评
Author:   Chaconas, Dori / Lisa McCue
Series: Easy-To-Read  Cork and Fuzz 
Category: Level Reading-4  Fiction - Animals  Social  Concepts 

ISBN: 9780142415948  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 32 页
Age / Level: 7-10, Level-4
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Level Reading
Original Price: $ 3.99
押 金: ¥40
逾期借阅费: ¥6/月


Series / 所属系列:
Easy-To-Read :  这是 Penguin 旗下 Puffin 的分级读物,每本书32页,故事性很强。这个系列读物需要有一定阅读基础(从 Level-2开始)或者作为亲子阅读材料。Puffin Easy to Read 在 Level 2-4 级别范围是和 Step into Reading, I Can Read 三分天下的分级读物。
Cork and Fuzz

Overview / 简介:
PreS-Gr. 2. Like Cork & Fuzz (2004) in the Viking Easy-to-Read series, this chapter book featuring the muskrat Cork and the possum Fuzz is about two friends who look different but have a lot in common. Small, bossy Fuzz tries to make the friends the same. Maybe tall Cork should stop eating, or walk on his knees. Maybe Fuzz could stretch and grow bigger. McCue's warm ink-and-watercolor illustrations, with lots of delicate line details, show the characters' furry bodies, the stand-offs, and, finally, the hugs of the two best friends, "short and tall together." In the tradition of Arnold Lobel's classic Frog and Toad booksand other animal friendship stories, this will please new readers and also make a cozy read-aloud. Preschoolers will especially relate to the small critter who wants to take charge

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
Kindergarten-Grade 2-A second beginning reader about the friendship between Cork, a muskrat, and Fuzz, a possum. Cork believes that something is not right because he is older, yet shorter than his friend. He asks Fuzz to walk on his knees and give up eating-painful strategies soon abandoned. Fuzz entreats Cork to grow by expanding his diet to include worms and hanging from a tree to stretch-unsuccessful propositions. Cork decides they must end this imbalanced friendship, causing Fuzz to shed tears, which fall on a large, wet nut. It lies next to a small, dry nut, and leads to the conclusion that They are different-¦.But they are still nuts. Fuzz takes Cork to the edge of the pond to view their images and see that they are Two best friends-short and tall together. Children will find comfort and delight in the bits of dialogue that reflect their own relationships. The first three chapters feature cliff-hanger endings to sustain appeal. McCue's illustrations capture just the right blend of pond-side realism and humanistic expression to enchant readers and extend the text. Add this to Arnold Lobel's Frog and Toad series (HarperCollins), Cynthia Rylant's Poppleton books (Scholastic), and Frank Asch's tales of Bear and Little Bird (S & S) for a friendship celebration.

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
I read this aloud to my second graders as soon as I received it in the mail. We all loved it. My class said that I had to write a review for the book and to give it five stars. The characters and their friendship remind me a lot of the Frog and Toad series but with a lot of humor. My students and I laughed out loud at many of the events in the story. I am considering getting multiple copies to use for reading class in the future. I know second graders love the story.

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