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The Wolf Who Cried Boy  有书评 有内页照片
Author:   Hartman, Bob / Tim Raglin
Category: Fiction - Animals  Family 

ISBN: 9780142401590  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 32 页
Age / Level: 6-9, Level-3
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 6.99
押 金: ¥70
逾期借阅费: ¥11/月


From Organization / 国外机构评价:
Grade 1-3-In this fractured Aesop's fable, Little Wolf longs for "boy" for supper rather than his mother's usual fare: Lamburgers, Sloppy Does, and Muskratatouille. When his parents promise that if a boy shows up, they'll track him down and cook him, Little Wolf puts it to the test right away by calling, "Boy!" which achieves the desired result of ruining dinner two nights in a row. His parents catch on and decide to ignore their son just as a pack of Boy Scouts shows up, with one even invading the den, much to Little Wolf's despair. Hartman's spare storytelling style is enhanced by Raglin's textured pen and colored-ink illustrations that are packed with nifty details: Little Wolf's high-tops, the wolf emblem on the scouts' flag, and the decor of the wolf den. A fun twist on a traditional tale. Donna L. Scanlon, Lancaster County Library, PA

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
This is a cute story about a small wolf who hates his mother's cooking: lamb burgers, sloppy does, and chocolate moose. What the wolf really wants to eat is a boy. To avoid his mother's cooking one night, he tries the ploy of shouting "boy". It works- -his parents run out of the den in search of the boy and dinner is ruined. Of course, when a real boy actually appears in the neighborhood, the small wolf can't get a rise out of his parents, so he has to learn to eat lamb burgers after all. Some kids might find the book a bit scary, but for those who can handle the tension, it's a fun story. The book has about 1200 words.

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linda: 想吃男孩的小狼 2014/12/18 15:58:00
The Wolf Who Cried Boy,还以为是狼来的故事。原来不是,是小狼不爱吃那些妈妈常做的饭菜,他想吃男孩,爸爸妈妈说只要你看见男孩,我们就给你去抓来。爸爸妈妈被小狼的谎话逗得团团转,一而再,再而三,爸爸妈妈决定不理会小狼。哪知真的有男孩来探险,还跑进狼窝,狼爸看报,狼妈忙家务,最终没有小男孩吃的小狼也就习惯了,习惯并喜欢妈妈煮的常规菜了。
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