畅销书: 不能错过的英语启蒙——中国孩子的英语路线图
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One small square
Author:   Silver, Donald / Patricia Wynne
Category: Fiction - Nature  Science 

ISBN: 9780070579705  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 48 页
Age / Level: 8-11, Level-5
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Story Book
Original Price: $ 7.95
押 金: ¥80
逾期借阅费: ¥12/月


Overview / 简介:
Hardy adventurers ages 6 - 9 dive into a silent watery world where tiny coral animals grow together to form rock gardens of white, pink, and red-orange. In this action-packed undersea circus, jaws snap, tentacles sting, ink gets squirted, and fish suddenly glow while animals that look like plants sway gently and bashful clams hide the lively secrets inside their shells. Surprisingly dry and armed with a few pieces of equipment and their boundless imaginations, children explore this magical realm one small square at a time. "Science education at its best.

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
This is a lovely graphic, as well as informative, little primer on the wonders that wait you if you happen to be going on a family vacation that involves reef snorkelling or just want to explore the underwater in your child's mind's eye. We were lucky enough to go "Snorkelling on the 'Barrie" (the Great Barrier Reef), off Cairns - Michaelmas Cay and Hastings Reef as well as off a platform near Green Island. My almost 10 year old was just about fit to be tied by the time we got our gear on and he just wanted to go meet these beautiful creatures he had been reading about. Real life potato cod "Gertrude" and a lovely "Maori Wrasse" named 'Wally' and other reef life are stunning but also very evident is the damage that so called eco-tourism is actually doing to the Barrie and reefs just like it - lots of dead coral. The book addresses these issues simply too but the Australians seem to have a better understanding of the yin-yang of eco-tourism and sustaining livelihoods of people who care about the environment in a way that is more practical and accepting of all view points having a place at the table.

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