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Paddington Bear and the Busy Bee Carnival
Author:   Michael Bond / R. W. Alley
Category: Fiction - Action  General 

ISBN: 9780064436588  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 40 页
Age / Level: 5-8, Level-2,适合亲子阅读
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 6.99
押 金: ¥70
逾期借阅费: ¥11/月


Overview / 简介:
It's carnival time! Paddington Bear and his friend Mr. Gruber join the festivities by entering the Busy Bee Adventure Trail contest--whoever finds the greatest number of objects starting with the letter "B" wins a prize. They search all along the canals of Little Venice in London where Bicycles, Boats, and Balloons abound. Things couldn't be better. Then Mr. Gruber notices a sneaky-looking boy following them,. Could he be copying their list? Luckily, Paddington has a trick or two up his sleeve. After all, his B is the most important one of all--B for bear, that is.
Paddington Bear has charmed readers for nearly forty years. Now, another generation of fanscan join the beloved bear from Darkest Peru on a variety of new adventures written by author Michael Bond. R. W. Alley's vibrant illustrations celebrate the classic tradition of Paddington with a fresh, new look.

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
Paddington is overwhelmed by the choices of activities at the Spring Carnival so his friend Mr. Gruber suggests the Busy Bee Adventure Trail, the object being to find as many things as possible that begin with the letter B. The bear gets right to business, but readers will see that trouble is already brewing. A young boy trailing the two is copying their list. Not surprisingly, when it's time to judge the contest there's a tie. The problem is solved when the bear finds another B, the most important one of all. Emerging readers and their parents will have the makings of a new game after they see the relish with which it's played here. Children will enjoy Bond's dry humor that will make them feel the wiser. Alley's watercolor-and-ink illustrations capture the soft colors of the spring day and the crowd's happy sense of anticipation, with deft touches that remind readers that this is not just any city, but Paddington's London.?Lisa S. Murphy, formerly at Dauphin County Library System, Harrisburg, PA

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
This series by artist R. W. Alley features delightful adaptations of Michael Bond's classic bear stories, about Paddington the Peruvian bear, and the English family that adopts him. The bright, colorful artwork is perfect: it captures the warmth and whimsy of the original series, presenting us with a little, wobbly, innocent bear who is every bit as fuzzy and lovable now as he was 'way back when. Recommended!

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