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Dinosaurs, Dinosaurs
Author:   Byron Barton
Category: Fiction - Dinosaur  Language  Phonics 

ISBN: 9780064432986  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 38 页
Age / Level: 3-6,适合亲子阅读
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 6.99
押 金: ¥70
逾期借阅费: ¥11/月


Overview / 简介:
A long time ago there were dinosaurs. Big dinosaurs and small dinosaurs. Dinosaurs with horns on their heads or spikes down their backs. Dinosaurs with long, long necks and long, long tails. Imaginatively and with a masterful use of color, shape and composition, Bryon Barton brings to life a unique and endearing vision of what the world may have looked like once upon a time. A long time ago there was dinosaurs. Big dinosaurs and small dinosaurs. Dinosaurs with horns on their heads or spikes down their backs. Dinosaurs with long, long necks and long, long tails.Imaginatively and with a masterful use of color, shape and composition, Byron Barton brings to life unique and endearing vision of what the world may have looked like once upona time. Outstanding Science Trade Books for Children 1989 (NSTA/CBC)Science Books and Films -- "Editor's Choice"Science Books and Films -- "Best Children's Science Book List"

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
PreSchool-Grade 1-- Barton's radiant pallette of Play-Doh colors is perfect for dinosaurs. His illustrations capture the plasticity and vividness of children's own artwork, without patronizing or making fun of his young audience. More than Gibbons' Dinosaurs (Holiday, 1987) or Aliki's My Visit to the Dinosaurs (Crowell, 1985), Barton conveys the primordial sense of excitement that draws children to these beasts. Despite the illustrations' simplicity, Barton's dinosaurs' expressions are not mammalian smiles; they have a saurian quality all their own. The endpapers identify the creatures by scientific name and pronunciation. Barton wisely keeps his text simple, describing dinosaurs only by size and physical features ("There were dinosaurs with sails on their backs, and dinosaurs with hard bony heads"), letting his drawings portray who owned which horns, teeth, tail, and spikes. This superb introduction for the very young shares the excitement of dinosaurs with its audience, without tangling their attention spans in boring details. - Cathryn A. Camper, Minneapolis Public Library Copyright 1989 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to the Library Binding edition

About the Author / 作者介绍:
Barton's economical book does not scrimp on details or ebullient hues. In colors straight out of a crayon box he provides children with a genuine "first" dinosaur book. The endpapers provide a vivid glossary of dinosaurs, with names and phonetic pronunciations underneath each picture. And then the sweet text: "A long time ago there were dinosaurs. There were dinosaurs with horns and dinosaurs with spikes . . . . There were fierce dinosaurs and scared dinosaurs." That particular line is illustrated with a black cloudy sky and jagged yellow lightning; the simple expressions of fear on the dinosaurs' faces will reassure readers that even these mightiest of creatures could have been afraid of the same things children are. Ages 3-6. Copyright 1989 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.

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