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When Santa Lost His Ho! Ho! Ho!  有书评 有内页照片
Author:   Rader, Laura / Laura Rader
Category: Fiction - Humorous  Christmas 

ISBN: 9780061141393  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 40 页
Age / Level: 6-9, Level-3
Type & Binding: 硬皮精装本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 14.99
押 金: ¥90
逾期借阅费: ¥15/月


Overview / 简介:
It's almost Christmas, and everyone—from Mrs. Claus right down to the littlest elf—is getting ready for the big day. But there's something wrong at the North Pole. It's just a bit too . . . quiet. Oh no! Santa has lost his laugh! Where could it be? And how can there be Christmas without Santa's Ho! Ho! Ho!

From the author of Santa's New Suit and Who'll Pull Santa's Sleigh Tonight? comes a holiday romp that's sure to make readers giggle with glee.

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
PreSchool-K–Neither home remedies, a doctor's prescription of funny movies and jokes, nor the antics of the elves help Santa recover his lost ability to laugh. News spreads and he receives funny pictures from kids around the world, including Holly. When he sees her picture of what she looks like on a bad day, he bursts into his jolly chortle and Christmas is saved once again. This is Rader's third amusing and entertaining dilemma for Santa, filled with her delightfully animated, humorous pen-and-ink cartoons.–Maureen Wade, Los Angeles Public Library

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
My 4 year old daughter loves this book. She even had me tell it to her in the car (by memory) yesterday. Even though it isn't Christmas time now, I have a feeling we will be reading this book often

About the Author / 作者介绍:
Laura Rader has illustrated many popular books for children, including A Book of Hugs, A Book of Friends, and A Book of Kisses, all by Dave Ross. She is also the author and illustrator of Who'll Pull Santa's Sleigh Tonight? and Santa's New Suit, which Publishers Weekly called, in a starred review, a "holiday outing [with] plenty of panache." Ms. Rader lives in Southern California.

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安迪分馆lily老师: 你可以看到圣诞老人的影响力以及他的夫人长什么样子 2012/12/28 17:05:00
圣诞节临近,大家都在做最后的准备,当精灵,驯鹿和圣诞老人的夫人一起又唱又跳时,大家发现了某种不同寻常的事情,那就是圣诞老人变得很安静,是什么东西丢了呢,原来是圣诞老人的笑声"ho,ho,ho!"这样一来,事情可就严重了,圣诞节怎么可以没有ho,ho,ho呢?于是,人们想尽了各种方法,逗圣诞老人发笑。有一些可以使圣诞老人发笑,但是只有ha ha和yippee,yee ha,但是都没有ho ho ho!
圣诞老人睡醒后,想亲自看邮件,夫人告诉他邮件都在工作室,他可以坐在自己最喜欢的椅子里查看。于是,夫人和精灵们在厨房的窗户前观察圣诞老人的反应。突然,传来了一阵熟悉的声音"ho ho ho"全世界的人们知道圣诞老人找到了笑声后都高兴极了!是什么样的内容和图画使得圣诞老人重新找回了大笑呢?原来是Holly说自己的长相很silly,并画了一张自画像。相信你看到后也会哈哈大笑的!
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