畅销书: 不能错过的英语启蒙——中国孩子的英语路线图
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Once I Ate A Pie  有内页照片
Author:   Maclachlan, Patricia / Emily Maclachlan Charest
Category: Fiction - Animals  Humorous 

ISBN: 9780060735333  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 40 页
Age / Level: 7-10, Level-4
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 6.99
押 金: ¥70
逾期借阅费: ¥11/月


From Organization / 国外机构评价:
PreSchool-Grade 3 Free-verse poems about 14 individual dogs sprawl across oversize spreads accompanied by large oil illustrations. The poems and paintings together delightfully capture each distinct personality in few words and with broad strokes of the brush. The fonts change often and reflect the poet's words rising and falling, sometimes in bold type, growing larger and smaller and dancing over the pages. The format allows for plenty of white space, emphasizing the postures and personalities of the pups and helping the playful fonts to stand out. The overall result is an entertaining visit with some very appealing canines, and a book that perhaps could serve as an inspiration in the classroom for young poets trying to describe their own pets. One wishes that the breeds were listed somewhere, but all in all, this title is still a real treat. Judith Constantinides, formerly at East Baton Rouge Parish Main Library, LA

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
The words and pictures in this book are beautiful. This isn't a story book, there is no story. It's more like poetry. In reading this to kindergarten and Pre-K, the kids don't appreciate the words as much as the pictures. The words are more for older children and adults, or people who will definitely appreciate and understand "puppyness". The pictures are for everyone. It's fun to guess the different dog breeds, which are painted as sweet puppies. One puppy is rolling over, one puppy is dressed in a raincoat. I'm a sucker for German shepherd puppies, and this illustrator captured the floppy ears and big paws while the author captured the "shepherdness" of a herding dog. If you do love dog books and illustrations, you will not regret owning this book.

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