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Eyes and Ears
Author:   Simon, Seymour
Category: Nonfiction - Science 

ISBN: 9780060733025  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 32 页
Age / Level: 7-10, Level-4
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 6.99
押 金: ¥70
逾期借阅费: ¥11/月


Overview / 简介:
Seymour Simon has written over 200 award-winning science books about animals, anatomy, astronomy, earth science, and vehicles!

Six tiny muscles hold each eyeball steady in the sockets of your head.
The ears contain the three smallest bones in the body: the hammer, anvil, and stirrup.
In addition to hearing, ears help you to keep your balance.
Without the brain, we wouldn’t be able to see or hear.

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
Grade 3-5-Simon presents information on the structure and function of these sensory organs in concise terms. The now-familiar oversized format of this author's work is well suited for the photos of rods and cones, eardrums, and cochlear and optic nerves. The text clearly explains the anatomy and physiology of the eye and ear, and also includes information on optical illusions, blind spots, and the role of the ear in keeping our balance. The writing is well organized and succinct, providing enough information for reports but not so much as to overwhelm young readers. The clear illustrations complement the text, and the close-up color photos are, as always, quite impressive. An excellent overview.

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
Science author Seymour Simon gives us a great education on the human eye and ear in his book titled Eyes and Ears. We learn neat facts about these body parts. The book features text on one page with a full color photos related to the text on the other side of the spread. First he tells all about the human eyes. Included in this section are neat optical illusions to try on your own. The hear section is next and tell us all about how the ear works and the parts of the ear. The content of the book is written in a simplistic manner, but is loaded with facts and statistics about the ears and eyes. The book is filled with lots of great information. It explains things about the eyes and ears in a clean and simple way that is easy for kids to understand.

About the Author / 作者介绍:
Seymour Simon, whom the NY Times called "the dean of [children's science] writers," is the author of more than 250 highly acclaimed science books (many of which have been named Outstanding Science Trade Books for Children by the National Science Teachers Association). His free, educational children's app, SCIENCE FUN TO GO, debuted in the Top 10 of all free children's apps in the Amazon App store, and features in app purchase of original Seymour Simon eBooks, as well as a multitude of free content. Seymour Simon uses his website, SeymourSimon.com, to provide free downloads of a wealth of materials for educators, homeschoolers and parents to use with his books, including 4-page Teacher Guides for all 26 of his Collins/Smithsonian photo essay books. The site provides multiple resources for kids writing book reports or wanting to explore the online Science Dictionary, and also features the Seymour Science blog highlighting current science news. Educators and families are encouraged to sign up to receive the monthly newsletter from SeymourSimon.com to stay abreast of the latest materials that Seymour Simon is introducing to enrich the reading experience. He taught science and creative writing in elementary and secondary schools and was chair of the science department at a junior high school in the New York City public school system before leaving to become a full-time writer. "I haven't really given up teaching," he says, "and I suppose I never will, not as long as I keep writing and talking to kids around the country and the world." Seymour Simon is also a creator and the author of a series of 3D books and a series of Glow-in-the-Dark Books for Scholastic Book Clubs, a series of leveled SEEMORE READERS for Chronicle Books, and the EINSTEIN ANDERSON, SCIENCE DETECTIVE series of fiction books. His books encourage children to enjoy the world around them through learning and discovery, and by making science fun. He has introduced tens of millions of children to a staggering array of subjects; one prominent science education specialist described Simon's books as "extraordinary examples of expository prose." Seymour Simon has been honored with many awards for his work, including the American Association for the Advancement of Science/Subaru Lifetime Achievement Award for his lasting contribution to children's science literature; the New York State Knickerbocker Award for Juvenile Literature; the Hope S. Dean Memorial Award from the Boston Public Library for his contribution to children's science literature; The Washington Post/Children's Book Guild Award for Non-fiction; the Jeremiah Ludington Award for his outstanding contribution to children's nonfiction; the Empire State Award for excellence in literature for young people; and the Lifetime Achievement Award from the National Forum on Children's Science Books. In a recent interview Simon was asked if he ever thinks of retiring. "I seem to be working faster and harder than ever. I absolutely don't feel any urge to sit back and look at what I've done. The only things that I'm thinking about are things I'd like to do in the future. I'm planning and doing and continuing to write. It's what I love to do. I remember a story about an anthropologist going to talk to a tribe and he asked them what was their word for "work." Their response was they have no word for work. Everybody does the things that they do in their life. I love that response. I don't differentiate between work and play. Everything I do is something that I enjoy doing - the writing, the research and everything else." Seymour Simon writes and photographs nature from his hilltop home in Columbia County in upstate New York. You can follow his daily nature walks and see his photographs from the field on Twitter (@seymoursimon) or on his Facebook group page. He also regularly hosts Q&As and sponsors book giveaways on GoodReads.

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