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Rising Storm (Warriors, Book 4)
Author:   Hunter, Erin
Category: Fiction - Action 

ISBN: 9780060525637  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 336 页
Age / Level: 10 and Up, Level-7
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Advanced Chapter Book!!
Original Price: $ 5.99
押 金: ¥60
逾期借阅费: ¥9/月


From Organization / 国外机构评价:
Gr. 6-9. The cat Fireheart and his fellow ThunderClan members are back in the fourth installment of the Warriors series. In this episode, Fireheart has been deputized to replace the ousted rogue cat Tigerclaw, but his new job is made harder by the lingering apathy of the clan's leader. Fireheart must overcome doubts about his ability, struggles with his apprentice, a deadly fire that threatens to finish off the clan, a potential new love, and an enemy that returns from his past. Hunter once again tells a good, suspenseful adventure story that urges readers onward, and teens may find their own journey toward adulthood echoed in the protagonist's struggles and self-doubts. Although background from earlier books may be useful, this can be read on its own; a handy list of characters at the beginning of the book will help readers keep track of Hunter's large cast. Cindy Welch

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
This is my favorite of the Warriors books, and they're all really, really good. I like how you can really feel as if you're there with Fireheart as he struggles with his new duties as deputy. I love the character of Cloudpaw, and how he has a whole different personality than the other characters in the book- he's more laid back and not as noble. I really wasn't expecting the Fireheart/Sandstorm relastionship, but it was a great thing to put into the series, as you'll see in the books to come. For a summary of the book- Fireheart, now Clan deputy, must figure out how to juggle his new duties and still have time to worry about the still-lurking Tigerclaw in the forest, along with the fact that the weather in the forest is heating up, and his wayward apprentice isn't proving to the Clan that kittypets really can be warrriors. Along with that, his leader is a shell of her former self, and it's up to FIreheart to hide her weakened state to the Clan. The deaths in the book are handled well, you still feel sad but not to the point when you just don't want to read it because it's deppressing. I loved the cliffhanger ending, and was glad that I had bought the 5th book at the same time so I could read it right away!

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