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Lily's Ghosts
Author:   Ruby, Laura
Category: Fiction - Horror 

ISBN: 9780060518295  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 272 页
Age / Level: 10 and Up, Level-7
Type & Binding: 硬皮精装本,Advanced Chapter Book!!
Original Price: $ 16.99
押 金: ¥102
逾期借阅费: ¥17/月


From Organization / 国外机构评价:
Grade 5-8-A cast of eccentric characters plays out this intriguing story, which opens with an enticing description of Cape May, NJ, and the hint that ghosts might be hovering about. Lily, 13, and her mother have just moved to this shore community after her mother's breakup with her latest boyfriend. They take up residence in the old Victorian home owned by her mom's Uncle Wes, a relative with whom they have had little contact. Lily is so horrified by a portrait of her other great uncle, a pale, frightening-looking young man, that she hides it in the closet. Very soon, inexplicable things begin to happen: strange phone calls, objects changing location, jam in her shoes. Before long, Lily realizes that she is being haunted, and she resolves to solve a mystery from the past that involves her uncle's house and several of her relatives. The story shifts back and forth between her reality and a parallel world inhabited by ghosts, giving the book multiple dimensions and keeping readers guessing. A likable character, Lily is curious and courageous in her attempts to get to the bottom of things. A friendship develops between her and a local boy who helps her in her quest for the truth. Readers will be hooked right up to the surprising ending. A good pick for fans of Phyllis Reynolds Naylor's Bernie and the Bessledorf Ghost (Atheneum, 1990). Renee Steinberg, formerly at Fieldstone Middle School, Montvale, NJ

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
I just finished reading Lily's Ghost on a 5 hour trip to Hawaii. It's very much in the vain of Harry Potter but with a female heroine and ghosts. My favorite parts were the interludes where the ghosts chat amongst themselves and live out their afterlife as part of today's world. The prose flows easily and smoothly - intellectual enough for an adult but easy enough for any kid who would appreciate Harry Potter. The ending is a nice twist that gets you thinking. An easy recommend for anyone who likes ghosts or coming of age stories.

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