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The Three Bears
Author:   Barton, Byron
Category: Fiction - Tales  Language 

ISBN: 9780060204235  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 32 页
Age / Level: 3-6,适合亲子阅读
Type & Binding: 硬皮精装本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 16.99
押 金: ¥102
逾期借阅费: ¥17/月


Overview / 简介:
PreSchool-- The Three Bears go basic, and they've seldom looked better. Recognizing that the tale's youngest fans focus on its core and skip over the embellishments, Barton distills it to a bare outline and the rhythmic refrains that preschoolers love to hear. This is a celebration of their literary needs and a huge success in meeting them. The illustrations are comfortably reminiscent of children's drawing styles, both in simplicity and vision, including a woods of lollipop trees. The paintings are bold and brightly colored; most include just the fundamental items (three chairs, three beds, etc.) with no extra clutter. Observant listeners will notice a few nice details: the single flowers left behind by Goldilocks at the sites of her explorations; the use of one color to identify each bear's belongings (Papa Bear's pants, bed, bowl, and chair are blue). This volume hits the target so squarely that its success is virtually guaranteed as a story-time crowd-pleaser. It's an uncomplicated, relaxing bedtime story and a confidence-builder for very young children who want books to flip through solo. In libraries that already enjoy the handsomeness of Jan Brett's version (Putnam, 1987), the atmosphere of the Eisen/Ferris variation (Knopf, 1987), and the humor of James Marshall's rendition (Dial, 1988), Barton's retelling will be a wonderful complement.

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
With his pared-down text and one-dimensional, vibrantly colored images, Barton ( Bones, Bones, Dinosaur Bones ; I Want to Be an Astronaut ) offers a neatly distilled version of this classic tale. Preschoolers can memorize the simple verse in no time and will delight in chiming in as Papa, Mama and Baby Bear complain in turn about the apparent presence of an unwanted guest. Barton adds a few minor variations: the first two chairs in which Goldilocks sits rock "too fast" and "too slow"; finally, Baby Bear's chair "rocked just right." Among the winsome artistic touches are a telltale trail of flowers that the primitively rendered girl leaves throughout the bears' house and true-to-life crease marks in pillows and blankets. This unassuming rendition is best suited to those at the younger end of the intended age span. Ages 3-6.

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
Our toddler daughter adores this book, and constantly wants to read it over and over. It piqued her awareness of possession -- she started pointing at our chairs and saying "daddy's" and "mommy's", and then pointing and everything else she could find and saying daddy's" or "mommy's". She also made many more comments about how hot or cold various food or beverages were. We have some of Barton's other books, and I think his illustration style works incredibly well for very young children.

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