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Scamper And The Horse Show
Author:   Haas, Jessie / Margo Apple
Category: Fiction - Animals  Celebrations  Tales 

ISBN: 9780060013387  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 32 页
Age / Level: 6-9, Level-3
Type & Binding: 硬皮精装本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 15.99
押 金: ¥96
逾期借阅费: ¥16/月


Overview / 简介:
Molly and Anna have high hopes for their spirited horse Scamper in the upcoming horse show--until a roll in the grass and a not-quite-colorfast new saddle blanket create stubborn stains in his laboriously scrubbed white hide. Worse yet, a sudden storm dissolves his paper American flag outfit, leaving red and blue streaks. In Apple's colored-pencil drawings, Scamper and the show's other four-legged entrants rival their riders for individual expression and personality, and young horse lovers will get not only a satisfying tale with a nicely set-up surprise at the end but also a good dose of information about how the various competitions, or "classes," in a horse show work. Haas presents more information about horse shows in an afterword.

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
Kindergarten-Grade 3–Anna and Molly scrub their light gray horse for a competition, watch helplessly as he rolls in the grass, and then scrub him again. At the show, they greet their friends and get ready to participate in the various classes. Scamper gets a red ribbon in the Trail Class because he is unafraid of the obstacles. However, before the judging for the Costume Class is completed, a sudden rainstorm ruins the horse's paper American flag ensemble. The girls are disappointed, but their mother encourages them to "Look for a rainbow." Her advice pays off when the judge tells the sisters that the streaks of color on Scamper's back look like a set of show ribbons and he is awarded first place. This charming story presents an accurate and appealing look at the ambience of a local horse show. A section at the end provides more information about these events and the different classes in which riders can compete. The eye-pleasing, colored-pencil drawings show appealing young equestrians and their mounts in various shapes and sizes. They accurately portray the emotions and activities of the animals and their owners. An excellent choice for young horse lovers.–Carol Schene, Taunton Public Schools, MA

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
This book has it all - horses, little girls, a horse show, great parenting modeled (except there's no dad in the picture - ?), simplicity, good text, lovely illustrations that go so perfectly with the tone of the text....I could go on and on, but instead I'll just encourage you buy one for yourself and read it (again and again and again!) to your little ones. This is a favorite of my 3.5yr old, horse-crazy daughter. Enjoy!

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