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One Twin Too Many (Mary-Kate and Ashley, Two of a Kind Bk. 4...
Author:   Stine, Megan
Series: Mary-Kate and Ashley  Two of a Kind 
Category: Fiction - Humorous  Popular 

ISBN: 9780007144778  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 120 页
Age / Level: 9-12, / Level-6
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Chapter Book
Original Price: $ 4.99
押 金: ¥50
逾期借阅费: ¥8/月


Series / 所属系列:
Mary-Kate and Ashley :  这个系列是针对英语水平较高的女孩子的 Chapter Book. 虽然图书馆把其难度等级设置不高, 但是因为 Chapter Book, 感觉难度要更高一些。
Two of a Kind :  和 Mary-Kate and Ashley 类似的系列,虽然难度等级为 Level-4, 但是因为 Chapter Book, 感觉难度要更高一些。

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
I got this book from the library and let's just say I'm very glad I didn't pay for it. The plot is that Ashley likes this boy named Pokey Valentine (yes that is his real name! And BTW: he's sister's named Prancer!). So when they get assigned partner's in history class, Ashley desperately wants her partner to be Pokey. Unfortunately Mary-Kate gets Pokey, and Ashley gets a boy she doesn't really care for. Ashley pays Mary-Kate to trade partners. But later Pokey asks Mary-Kate if she can come over to his house and play basketball and "stuff". Mary-Kate figures the "stuff" meant he was asking her out on a date, and she doesn't know how she'll tell Ashley. But when she asks him what he meant, he sheepishly explains that he knew she was good at basketball and he wanted her to coach him on several things he wasn't too good at! Also, Carrie likes a boy in her class at the college Kevin teaches at and they get into some fights because Kevin doesn't like him. It sounds somewhat interesting, but aside frome it being funny when Pokey lists everything in basketball he's not very good at (and his name!), it's really a very boring book. The other Two of A Kind books are MUCH, MUCH better and I would reccomend getting another one of the books instead of wasting your time reading this one.

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